
Radishes thumbnail image
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Original File radishes.zip
  • Docking Station
  • Mea
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File Size: 3.39 MB

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Features radishes in a variety of colors

A complete rewrite of the original Radishes by Mea. They grow only near a mother which prevents them from taking over or dying out

Text File Composite

::----- RadishPackReadme - black.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (Black)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishV5GhostHeart.txt -----::
Agent Name: Radish patch V5d (Ghost Heart)

Description:  Although these may look like radishes, don't be fooled, they are critters.  To help feed the populations of carnivorous creatures, one set of radishes was altered, recoded & resprited to turn them into critters to be eaten.  The idea came while playing around and recoloring the sprites.  The pale blue leaves called to mind little blue ghost fires, and the coal dark roots were resprited to look more like a heart.  After many coding tweaks and much testing, these, the Ghost Heart Radishes were the result.  (The Ghost Heart Radishes went through more coding tweaks and versions than any of the other radishes.  They were often used to test out the coding changes that were then added to the other radishes.)

To keep their growth under control, the radishes only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful coding bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishPackReadme - Red.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (Red)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishPackReadme - white.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (White)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishPackReadme - RW.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (Red & White)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishPackReadme - purple.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (Purple)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

::----- RadishPackReadme - green.txt -----::
Agent Name:  Radish patches (Green)

Description: This is an updated version of the Radishes that were released previously.  The code has been rewritten from scratch and the sprites have been updated as well.  To limit their growth, the radishes now only grow around their mother plant.  The mother plant is the only one that produces seeds and can not be destroyed by creatures.  This helps protect the radishes from being eaten to extinction, so your creature will always have a dependable food source.  Mother plants can be placed with the included vendor.  To remove the mother plant, just ctrl+shift+click on them.  To make the mother plants easier to find, they are now tinted a different random color than the radishes that grow around them.  The rest of the radish colors are based on real radishes.

Created by Mea for the CCSF 2023
Special thanks to Aiko & Moe for helpful code bits.

V5d update - updated to fix missing entry in catalogue & issue with mira + tint

Agent Contents

Radish - Black v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the black radish grove.


Radish - Ghostheart v5d

With leaves as pale as ghost fire and heart-like roots, this radish was modified to provide a source of meat for critter hungry creatures. This is the stand alone version of the Ghostheart radishes.


Radish - Green v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the green radish grove.


Radish - Purple v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the purple radish grove.


Radish - Red & White v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the Chione ice carrots.


Radish - Red v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the red radish grove.


Radish - White v5d

These fast growing radishes have finally been brought under control and tamed. Let your creatures enjoy this tasty treat without worries of it taking over the world. This is the stand alone version of the white radish grove.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Radish - White v5d
Agent Preview - Radish - White v5d
Agent Preview - Radish - Red v5d
Agent Preview - Radish - Red v5d