C3 Norns

Here are a dozen warp creatures for DS for your pleasure. Each pack contains four norns from different generations and mixed breeds. Enjoy!

DS Pack 1

DS Pack 2

DS Pack 3

Please  note that these norns are not detected by C3, you must have DS installed on your computer!

For those who are still playing with C3 alone, here are two packs with "ordinary" C3 norns from my current world.

C3 Pack 1

C3 Pack 2

Jungle Norn Crossbreeds


For the Jungle Norns you will need to download a new sprite set which you can find here. Below is a pack of five norns from my current world. These norns live approximately five hours, they are crossbred with Osiris norns, and thus mature a bit faster than ordinary norns. (They will be adults at 30 minutes or so). The original Jungle Norns won't even live three hours. If you want to download Jamie, just click on his picture.

Jungle Norns crossbreeds for C3 and DS

Last changes: 28/02/04