Description: The banshee were a terrible threat to the last lone shee. His norns may have been one of the few remaining, for now they weren't so sure about worlds being so safe. Then, interestingly enough, during this time of utter terror and panic, another stone appeared on the capitilla. It lay in the hub. They all crept up to it, fearing it may be a new trick of the vengeful banshee but it gave off no tangible aura of vile cruelty. Instead.... It felt very primal....
Like time far beyond even that of the shee, beyond the lifetime of the ancients to the very days were the law was marked in blood, and sweat and all things that could live and die and breed. It was a stone from the past. Was this a blessing, or a curse?
One brave norn, a chichi youngster, approached the stone and sniffed it. Smelling the earthy scent, he placed his palm upon it and prompty felt it grow warm and glow bright with greenish fire. Scrambling back, the norns and the lone shee watched as the norn slowly was envoloped in green light.....and he dissappeared! This was very vexing, for the lone shee was already worried he may never see this norn again!
Credits: Sprites - Bug, CAOS - TwilightCat, Testing - Ub1111, & TreeSprite
More: If you like Bug's Temple you might like to get the Draconian Norns, the Steam Rock, and their Bone Toy. For even more fun, check out the Draconian's Crazed Warp Mp3 sound file.