Repeating Yourself:
Pressing CTRL-S repeats the last thing you typed.
Save Me!:
If a Norn is being beaten by a Grendel then try and grab the Norn's hand to pull it to safety, walk it a long way and reassure it with a skritch or two.
Phone Home:
Pressing HOME will take you back to the Norn Terrarium in a hurry.
Hungry for Starch:
If your Norns are hungry for carbohydrates and don't seem to be able to find any, pick one of the big spikey fruits (Pumperspikel fruits) from the top of the far right tree in the Norn Terrarium. Drop this on the ground in front of your Norns and some seeds will appear. You can only pick the ripe fruits though!
Hungry for Fat:
Food (Cheese and carrots) is a great source of Albian fat.
Hungry for Protein:
Fruits are a good source of protein in the Albian ecology.
Education is essential!:
Teach your Norn to speak your language (either in the Learning room or with a knowledge stone) and you'll be able to understand what it wants to make it happy and you can also give it instructions.
I Want a Girl Norn!:
You know that you can choose the gender of your creatures by using the egg-laying machine, but did you know how the gender is determined for natural-born Norns? The gender of a Norn is determined slightly after the egg is laid and is based upon the season in which the egg was laid (this is also how you can have identical twins which are of different genders). In spring, females are more likely, and in autumn males are more likely (75% / 25%), while in winter and summer the odds are even. This is similar to alligators where the gender depends on the temperature when the egg was laid.
Running Creatures 3 in Windows:
Shift-Alt-Return will switch between full screen and windowed mode. Once in windowed mode, the selector screens should slide back into place when clicked. To automatically scroll, use the arrow buttons on your keyboard, or, if you have a mouse with a center wheel, you can also press the wheel and move the mouse to scroll. It is not neccessary to alter your registry to use these shortcuts!