C2 Creatures
Slink's C306 Norns
Slink's C306 Norns - Introduced & Described by Slink!
Introduction: "These genomes are updated versions of the C2 genome as I solely envisioned and created it up until April of 1998. They do include many of the features that were added jointly since then, but because I did not agree with *all* of the changes, deletions and additions made since then I did not keep these strains compatible with the released C2 genomes. They will, however, remain compatible with each other."
Description: "There is one pair of newborns in each zip file. They will be born thirsty. If they are hit repeatedly or if a female gives birth the health bar will flash but the other indications will show no problems. Simply move the norn someplace where it can rest and have a bite to eat. The glycogen will recover and the health bar will clear. These norns have a more balanced drive system and are more placid in temperament. In addition, I am trying to supply an interesting variety of colors. In all cases the genome for the male and female will be the same but the sex-linking in the pigment bleed genes causes them to be different colors."
Closing Comments: "There are errors I only now found as I documented. There may be things I could adjust to the betterment of the norn race. I have not examined the brain in any detail. Cosmetically, I could add the swapped upatrophin and downatrophin receptors from CyberLife's new genome. There are always our forgotten friends the Grendels and Ettins."
Credits: Sandra J.G. Linkletter a.k.a. Slink
TreeSprite Says: If you want to know more about the C306 Norns and how they were created, you should have a look at Slink's Reference file: "Genetic Makeup of C306". The document explains in detail what Slink did to improve upon the original C2 genome from CyberLife (now Creaturelabs) to create the C306 Norns.
Type A Norns
Type B Norns
Type C Norns
Type J Norns
Type E Norns
Type F Norns
Type G Norns
Type H Norns
Type I Norns