New Egg Sprites - TrollOp Eggs
09/27/2003 - TwilightCat a.k.a. EspressoSnail wrote to let us all know that she has made some new egg sprites for C3/DS. She says, "Bug also threw one in (the first one) that he made back when the dracs were new... we were thinking about having a stone like the banshees that put out drac eggs. There are three sets named TrollOp-eggs, TrollOp1-eggs, and TrollOp2-eggs. To use these either rename one of them eggs (and make a backup of the originals) or use Hausmouse's nifty egg cos file agent thingy. Be aware that you should only implement her cos files when there are no eggs in the world. I've had mine all disappear after installing it. To use hers you just have to put these in the images folder and add the file names to the catalogue that comes in her download."
New Kunterbunt Norns!
09/27/2003 - Alien has a brand new breed up for download and boy are they interesting! The Kunterbunts were aptly named ~ "Kunter" means all in a tumble, potpurri ~ "bunt" means colorful! These new and colorful creatures have their sprites based on the Chi Chi sprites of Docking Station, but the Kunterbunts are made to work with both C3 and DS. The genome is also based on the one from the Chichis, but the Kunterbunts can breathe under water. They use Ettin Breed Slot "E" and are easily added to the games via an Egg Agent made by MadDoc. So if you're in the mood for lots of colour in your world, download the Kunterbunts!
Albian Weather Channel Forecast
09/27/2003 - Aren't file transfers great?! Even more so when you are on the receiving end of a surprise from your favorite Troll! He asked me if I'd seen the new weather channel yet, and I asked him, "Which new weather channel?" After which I received this in a file transfer. I must say that it took me quite a while to recover! I was red faced and out of air from rolling on the floor laughing so hard. I liked it so much that Trollop a.k.a. Bug allowed me to share it with everyone -- when I had finished begging sufficiently! =) The Ettin Weatherman is all that's shown here... so as not to ruin the punchline so to speak. Just click on the picture at right to see the full panel.
The Alien Norns have a new egg agent, and are up for download from TreeSprite's Grove!
09/27/2003 - Alien (a member of the Creatures Grove) is always so helpful to the rest of the Community that the Admins here on the Grove wanted to give her a present to show her how much her efforts are appreciated. The Alien Norns egg agent was chosen as the best way to show it, and has been dedicated to Alien. You can see the dedication and download the Alien Norns from the Docking Station Breeds Page.
Napes Website Back Online!
| Still Image provided courtesy of Nathan Thomas ( |
08/08/2003 - Nathan Thomas (Napes), lead artist for Docking Station, has got his website back online, and although his content isn't completely posted, you can check out his portfolio again. As you all know Napes is a wonderful artist, and he has lots of wonderful images to peruse, both Creatures related and otherwise. Of particular interest to those of you who are Creatures fans is the Docking Station Promotional/Intro video that wasn't included with the Docking Station download due to the subsequent file size of the game download.
Oh, yes! I almost forgot! Don't forget to have a look at the Creatures 3D Concept stills that Napes has posted. =)
C12DS Website Online!
08/05/2003 - *TreeSprite bounces up and down in her chair.* It's coming! It's coming! It's coming! =) Lacota has informed me that the C12DS project now has a home on the net! =) You can look for news about the upcoming project, downloads, cool and interesting facts, and even some sneak previews in the form of screenshots and pre-release agents!
Nornus Beatus
07/04/2003 - Bug has delved once again into the musical reaches of his vast creativity, and has dredged up more musical fun for his fans. Nornus Beatus takes you on a wild, rhythmic, and frenzied path into the dark reaches of his fantastic world.
07/04/2003 - At long last West_Winds' new Gremlins! are available! They're slippery little buggers, and I had lost them for a while! I finally found them hidden in my junk folder, and they were eating after midnight without my permission! Like the Mogwai of the Gremlins movie fame, these norns start life cute and nice like most norns then when it hits adolesence WATCH OUT!
CLICK! Crazy Creatures Captures
Apparently it doesn't matter what sort of camera you use, inevitably at some time you'll find some silly photo like these. |
Ok, what idiot did this? |
07/02/2003 - Have you got some screen captures, or photos of some crazy, weird, silly, or just plain odd things
happening in your creatures games?
Treesprite's Creatures Grove is doing a special feature on really odd photos and screencaptures from the creatures series of games! Send your Crazy Creatures Captures from C1, C2, C3/DS, and CA/CP to have them posted for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to send your photos, complete with a caption and a few words about the photo, before 6/30/2003 because that's when the Special Feature will be posted! There will be an opportunity for everyone to vote on which photos they like the best for each of the game series' as well as a best in show!
Well, the time for sending your pictures in is now up! Let the voting commence!
Vote for your favorite from every category; Creatures, Creatures2, and Creatures3/Docking Station as well as Best in Show! You'll need to join TreeSprite's Creatures Grove Forums to vote, but don't worry, just a couple of clicks is all it takes, and it's easy as Peking Pie! =)