Original Artwork
Warrior Astro Albian Weather Channel
Warrior Astro - WD3K
Comments: I love email! I was surprised recently when I opened the mail and found that Brigitta, most of you may know her better as W3DK or wolf_dogg_3000, had offered her fan art for posting. When asked about her picture WD3K said, "I call it the 'Warrior Astro'. It's actually a modified pic *coughitsediting* but I still like it. Enjoya, as I say!" Well WD3K, I certainly like him! Thank you for sending him! :+) Credits: WD3K |
Albian Weather Channel - Trollop a.k.a. Bug
Comments: Aren't file transfers great?! Even more so when you are on the receiving end of a surprise from your favorite Troll! He asked me if I'd seen the new weather channel yet, and I asked him, "Which new weather channel?" After which I received this in a file transfer. I must say that it took me quite a while to recover! I was red faced and out of air from rolling on the floor laughing so hard. I liked it so much that Bug allowed me to share it with everyone -- when I had finished begging sufficiently! =)
The Ettin Weatherman is all that's shown here... so as not to ruin the punchline so to speak. Just click on the Weatherman's head at right to see the full panel. Credits: Trollop a.k.a. Bug |