Coconut Tree Update

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Original File Coconut Tree
  • Creatures 2
  • Mr nStuff
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This adds coconuts to two more coconut trees in Albia. Near the Flugelhorn and the ScienceKit Power-up. The one's near the Power-Up are C1 coconuts!

Text File Composite

::----- Coconut tree update.txt -----::
Coconut tree update by Mr_nStuff (Updated 10-2-99)

This Update changes the rate at which Coconuts grow and fall.
 Fixes a bug with Coconuts sometimes going extinct.
  Some other cute things were added.

Reservations: 64088 - 64091

REQUIREMENTS: creatures2 "latest injector"

This adds two more locations for the coconuts to sprout.
 Locations are near the flugelhorn and the ScienceKit power-up.
 The coconuts near the power-up are of a C1 breed.
 C1 Coconuts now sometimes break when they hit the ground.

 After injection the coconuts will fall off the tree's, disappear,
 and grow back just like the original coconut tree. Well, maybe
 alittle bit different. But there should always be a coconut for
 Norns and Bats to eat at these new locations all the time.

INSTALL: Put the Coconut tree update.COB file in your
                                      creatures\OBJECTS folder!

 SHOOTING: 1) Like most COBs. This COB will not inject if a Norn is
              not selected first. Select a Creature (Name up top)
              before injecting.

  I am kookoo for coconuts.
 E-MAIL:  *****

Agent Contents

Coconut tree updates

This adds coconuts to two more coconut trees in Albia. Near the Flugelhorn and the ScienceKit Power-up. The one's near the Power-Up are C1 coconuts!


Other Images

Agent Preview - Coconut tree updates
Agent Preview - Coconut tree updates