Grendel Settings

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Original File Grendel
  • Creatures 1
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This set of cobs alters the scripts that grendels use to interact with norns. The default scripts translate any action by a grendel on a norn as being a hit, even if the grendel tried to tickle his friend!

The Grendel Friendly COB allows grendels to tickle norns, if they want to. The Grendel Nasty (Nornal) COB restores the default settings.

Text File Composite

::----- ReadMe.txt -----::
Grendel Settings COB File

Yes, this new set of COB's allows you to set whether or not your
grendels are Nasty, or Nice, to your norns...

With the Grendel Nasty.COB you restore the original scripts to Albia
With the Grendel Nice.COB you set the creature control scripts to ignore spcs

Scripts Used (Replaced)
0 0 0 17
0 0 0 18
0 0 0 19





Author Details

Daniel (Kinnison) Silverstone

Release Data

Free for all - notify me if you put it in a COB d/l site

Agent Contents

Nice (Grendel = Friendly) World

Nornal (Grendel = Nasty) World

Other Images

Agent Preview - Nornal (Grendel = Nasty) World
Agent Preview - Nornal (Grendel = Nasty) World