Treehugger Norn

Treehugger Norn thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Tree Hugger
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
Wiki Link
File Size: 4.65 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds. bulb6.

Treehuggers are children of Nature and great lovers of the many plants, animals and insects you can find aboard the Creatures 3 Ark and the Docking Station Capillata. They evolved on a world filled with forests, without any interference from Grendels or other nasties. Because of this, they might find life aboard a starship quite difficult.

They don't have the warrior spirit of their Hardman Norn cousins, which means they might find themselves in more than just a bit of trouble if they were ever to meet a bloodthirsty Grendel. Lucky for them the Treehugger Norn Pack features a teleporter – the ideal escape route in times of distress.

If you do find the Treehuggers to be a little too fragile, especially if they get sick, then your best option would be to instruct them to drink from a bottle of Panatreea Potion.

Perhaps due to an uncanny intergalactic linguistic coincidence, the name of the potion almost describes what it is best used for - a complete panacea for an ailing Treehugger Norn.

Treehuggers have relatively normal eating habits - they love food, fruit and seeds like the average Norn does. But though they enjoy eating food, they don't gain as much fat from food as other Norns do. Instead, they need to eat edible plants and seeds to get the fat they need to survive.

Also included in the Treehugger Norn Pack is the fantastic Quirky Cookie Machine. This gadget allows you to make edible "Quirky Cookies" using ingredients found all over Creatures 3 or Docking Station.

Many Creatures Community members have already produced their own Quirky Cookie recipes which you can find on their websites.

Treehugger Norns developed in a Grendel-free world, and thus they aren't quite as tough-skinned as a relatively normal Norn - they might get rather badly hurt from attacks. They're also more susceptible to diseases, so you'll have to pay particular care to ensure they don't get ill.

But they don't have an upside-down biochemistry like the Toxic Norns do. So if these Norns get sick you are advised to follow the advice of the HoverDoc, or pay attention to the medical information you can find by reading the Agent Help text for the Creatures 3 Medical area.

Also, don't forget to feed them some of the super-healthy Docking Station lemons, which contain trace amounts of antigens and antihistamines to help combat coughs and colds. And of course, there is always the Panatreea Potion!

These Norns should have no major problems when breeding with most other Norns, except maybe the Toxic Norns of course.

Like the Bondi Norns, Treehuggers don't feel homesick when pregnant, so will lay their eggs almost anywhere. But like the seeds of the trees from their home world, the eggs of Treehugger Norns take longer to mature inside a female Treehugger Norn. So don't worry if it seems that it is taking longer for a pregnant Treehugger Norn to lay her egg – it just needs a little bit more time to develop before it can face the big wide world.

Text File Composite

::----- README.txt -----::
Official Breed Repack

Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds.

Agent Contents

Cuddly Tree

The world will suddenly seem a much nicer, friendlier place for any Norn activating one of the Shee's special Cuddly Trees.


Cuddly Tree

The world will suddenly seem a much nicer, friendlier place for any Norn activating one of the Shee's special Cuddly Trees.


Panatreea Potion

Chock-full of Vitamin C and Prostaglandin, a swig or two of the Panatreea Potion will give the immune system of a fragile Norn a good boost!


Panatreea Potion

Chock-full of Vitamin C and Prostaglandin, a swig or two of the Panatreea Potion will give the immune system of a fragile Norn a good boost!


Popping Pappus

A flower to brighten up your starship. And maybe give your Norns hayfever...


Popping Pappus

A flower to brighten up your starship. And maybe give your Norns hayfever...


Quirky Cookie Machine

Create your own cool Shee cookies with this nifty (but somewhat quirky) cookie machine.


Quirky Cookie Machine

Create your own cool Shee cookies with this nifty (but somewhat quirky) cookie machine.


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within your ship. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within the current area. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'h'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Other Images

Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter