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Treehugger Nornedit

Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds. . Treehuggers are children of Nature and great lovers of the many plants, animals and insects you can find aboard the Creatures 3 Ark and the Docking Station Cap

Hardman Nornsedit

Hardman norns are a violent breed of norn, specializing in beating up grendels. This agent includes calm balm and a grendel toy for norns to hit, to to help alleviate the Hardman norn aggression. Also include are chili pepper and the Awkwood Creeper .

Dustdevil Grendeledit

The Dustdevil Grendels are a C3/DS breed by Ghosthande based on a concept by Gobbo. They occupy the Grendel breed slot X, and clash with the Tiger Grendels. They were released as part of the CCSF 2012. They come with a pack of agents which are geared toward ma

Fimbul Nornedit

The Fimbul Norns are a breed that like it cold – very cold! Named after Fimbulwinter, the season of ice and snow that is part of Ragnarok in Norse mythology, their bodies are ice-blue or white all over, with the occasional dark patches hinting at their Civet N