Official Docking Station Toxic Norns is an agent and breed pack with toy, pest, plant and vendor agents
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Original File | Toxic |
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Official Docking Station Toxic Norns is an agent and breed pack with toy, pest, plant and vendor agents
::----- README.txt -----:: Official Breed Repack Repacked without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs, which caused problems with third-party breeds.
A special toy crafted for the Toxic Norns. As well as providing the usual toy-like amusement, it also spews forth a feast of detritus.
A special toy crafted for the Toxic Norns. As well as providing the usual toy-like amusement, it also spews forth a feast of detritus.
Colourful small life forms that seem to get everywhere. Official designation PST-001, affectionately known as Trapdoor Bouncers.
Kaleidoscopicly colourful, slinkily squelchy. Official designation PST-002, affectionately known as Trapdoor Slinkers.
They bounce, they hover, and they've got hooks. Officially designated PST-003, these little bundles of bouncy trouble are affectionately known as Hoverhook Bouncers.
They bounce, they hover, and they've got hooks. Officially designated PST-003, these little bundles of bouncy trouble are affectionately known as Hoverhook Bouncers.
When its disgusting flower has matured, this foul smelling vegetation spews forth detrital packets that Toxic Norns love to eat.
When its disgusting flower has matured, this foul smelling vegetation spews forth detrital packets that Toxic Norns love to eat.
A bin so foul that even the rubbish is trying to escape. Press the pedal and liberate some litter today!
A bin so foul that even the rubbish is trying to escape. Press the pedal and liberate some litter today!
This strange detritus and bacteria symbiont will infect your creatures with toxins. Great for Toxic Norns, but terrible news for any other creature.. don't say we didn't warn you!
This strange detritus and bacteria symbiont will infect your creatures with toxins. Great for Toxic Norns, but terrible news for any other creature.. don't say we didn't warn you!
Colourful small life forms that seem to get everywhere. Official designation PST-001, affectionately known as Trapdoor Bouncers.
Kaleidoscopicaly colourful, slinkily squelchy. Official designation PST-002, affectionately known as Trapdoor Slinkers.
Breed Slot - Norn: 'j' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old] - FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]