Alician Norns

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Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • The Grendel
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The Alician Norns are a new type of Creatures 3 Norn which has over half their instincts removed to make them more curious, although the downside is that they are less sensible... they eat less, but then C3 Norns never stop eating, which becomes very boring... they are more interesting than the average Norn, but not a race for wolfling runs.

The Alician Norns are named after The Grendel's sister Alice, who shares their curiosity, and lack of common sense.

Text File Composite

::----- 101readme.txt -----::
TG's C3 101 genome.  By The Grendel of Creatures World:

Visit Creatures World at Http://

Email him at *****
				    TG's C3 101 genome

My 101 genome (I couldn't think of an imaginative name) is a Norn with Ettin facial expressions.
Which means they have facial expressions that actually work.  Which is good.  So good, in fact, 
that it's great.  Thanks to Rich DeMar (aka Nightrunner) for pointing out that Ettins have facial
expressions, although he had assumed that only one gene was responsible for this, which is 
untrue.  It is in fact every single facial expression gene that is altered.  This is based on the
patched C3 genome, although I earlier stated that it wasn't (I wasn't aware that British versions
of C3 had the patch installed already).

Simply, copy all the GEN files into the Creatures 3\Genetics folder, and any new eggs hatched 
will have facial expressions.  You can interbreed these with normal Norns, and try to breed all
the facial expressions into your stock, if you want.

Hex-Editing - John F. Ievins (aka The Grendel)
Some info   - NightRunner (see his Osiris Norns, which also have facial expressions, at 	   

I allow you to treat these GEN files as you would a normal C3 genome file, with the exception of
copying these actual files onto the web.  Any creatures with these genes should enclose this 
file,and I would ask that anyone who used this genome as a template would include a link from any site where 101 based Norns are kept.

::----- Alician.txt -----::
The Alician Norns, by John F. Ievins (aka The Grendel) of Creatures World.  Copyright (C) 1999 to
John Ievins.  You may only reproduce this file on the World Wide Web, and even then only when a 
link is enclosed to Creatures World, and when all contents of the ZIP in which this is enclosed 
remain intact.  All rules are flexible if prior permission from me is given.
				    The Alician Norns

The Alician Norns are a new type of Creatures 3 Norn which have over half their instincts 
removed in order to make them more curious, although the downside is that they are less 
sensible... they eat less, but then C3 Norns never stop eating, which becomes very boring... they
are more interesting than the average Norn, but not a race for wolfling runs.

The Alician Norns are named after my sister Alice, who shares their curiosity, and lack of common
sense.  Not that I don't like her, or anything (honest;)).

Breed(s):	Bengal
Pigment:	Standard
Males:		1
Females:	1

Myself (The Grendel)		:	Everything

				Contacting The Grendel

You can either email me:  	*****

Or visit my website:		Http://

Remember, my site has a forum, so you may choose to speak there instead of via email.

Creature Contents

Name: Jack
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Katie
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Other Images

Creature - Jack
Creature - Jack
Creature - Katie
Creature - Katie