C2 Tuba

C2 Tuba thumbnail image
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Original File c2tuba.zip
  • Creatures 2
  • Urskecs
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/C2_Tuba
File Size: 169 KB

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This port of the Tuba plant from DS to C2. They will grow and spread anywhere to help creatures colonize uninhabitable corners of any world

Text File Composite

::----- readme-tuba.txt -----::
This port of the Tuba plant from DS to C2 is my first Creatures addon ever and had a surprising effect on my gameplay in C2. The COB injects a single seed at the position of the hand, and they will grow and spread anywhere to help creatures colonize uninhabitable corners of any world. They will spread wildly, but have the same spread/overcrowding rules as their DS relatives.

50 Starch, 5 Fat, 5 Protein, 170 Hunger Decrease, 50 EDTA, 10 Water
You may have expected different. There's a story behind settling on this:
Porting this with no CAOS knowledge required cross-referencing of scripts dumped from C2 Albia, and it revealed a lot of info to me about nutrition in this game. Fat and protein are normally hard to come by in Albia and when my creatures found the 50 Fat/50 Protein/50 EDTA/50 Hunger-- tubas, their systems were soon overwhelmed by muscle tissue and adipose tissue. It turns out most genomes aren't capable of using fat for glucose and they were constantly burning muscle tissue for their glycogen in the absence of dietary starch, with body fat shuffling around between forms indefinitely. I took a look at the nutrition/fullness to make the Tubas more balanced which forced me to add starch unlike the original and remove most of the fat/protein for creatures' safety. High Hunger Decrease combats the tubas' spammability. Constant availability of "food"-class food items made sizable difference in the ability of some C2 creatures to take care of themselves, whether by improved nutrition or genetic preference for "food" making decisions easier.

Some exceptions that can burn fat who I found while balancing this COB:
- Hivemind Ettins: Happened to be the breed I was playing with when I started testing nutrition, and right now one of my favorite breeds.
- Kannova Venterra Altered: Benefitted immensely from having access to fat, mother norns who had totally forgotten how to eat fruit (seems common with KVs in my game even with encouragement) made a recovery from the brink when given the high-fat/protein version. It's not really possible to provide for the needs of female KVs without making the males & any other genome morbidly obese, though...

I got back into Creatures too late in the year to finish anything else, but a sharp-eyed explorer on MuppetBoy's Geatville might spot one upcoming project.


Agent Contents

Tuba Plant

Injects a single seed at the position of the hand, sprouting a tuba plant which will grow and spread anywhere to help creatures colonize uninhabitable corners of any world. They will spread wildly, but have the same spread/overcrowding rules as their DS relatives. High satiety to balance their high accessibility.


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