Tasty Mushroom v2.0

Tasty Mushroom v2.0 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File shroom (2).zip
  • Creatures 2
  • JayD
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Tasty_Mushroom_Patch
File Size: 8 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


A variant of the Hatchery mushrooms. They are more nutritious and you can place them anywhere your Norns hang out. These mushrooms are also helpful in Wolfling Runs; sprinkle them anywhere in your world and you can leave your Norns alone. Also good underwater too.

Made by JayD.

Text File Composite

::----- Shroom Patch v2.0 ReadMe.txt -----::
Shroom Patch v2.0

Be sure to have the most recent Agent Injector available for 
download at CyberLife's Free Stuff Web Page.

Place the COB in your Creatures 2\Objects\  directory. All files are 
embedded into the .cob file. Graphics and sound files will 
extract from the .cob file when it is injected into your Albia.

NOTE: This update uses new Object Class Numbers that I have 
reserved. Meaning any preious versions will be treated as a 
seperate COB if both are injected into your world. I suggest 
you use the remover of the old COB version before injecting this 
new version.

Similar to the orginal incubator mushrooms. These mushrooms have 
more noutritional value to keep norns healthy.

1. The COB's classification is now FRUIT
2. The COB will also replace the original mushrooms (classified as PLANT) 
to these improved ones.

Object Class Numbers:
2 25 21005 Mushrooms


Jay Dino


Agent Contents

Tasty Mushroom Patch v2.0

Sprinkle a few of these in your world and you can leave your creatures alone. Also good underwater By Jay Dino -- *****@ix.netcom.com


Other Images

Agent Preview - Tasty Mushroom Patch v2.0
Agent Preview - Tasty Mushroom Patch v2.0