Tomte Norns

Tomte Norns thumbnail image
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Original File Tomte
  • Creatures 1
  • IcePenguin
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File Size: 90 KB

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"Merry Christmas 2007!

Here's a surprise breed for you: Tomte Norns!

These Santa's little helpers wear red and green Santa clothes and never grow. Even adult Tomte Norns look like little norn children!"

They use Essex genetics and occupy norn breed slot 9.

The Tomte Norn for Creatures 1 is an unofficial norn breed converted from the official 1996 Santa Norn by IcePenguin.

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
Merry christmas 2007!
Here's a surprise breed for you: Tomte norns!
These Santa's little helpers wear red and green
Santa clothes and never grow. Even adult
Tomte norns look like little norn children!
They use Essex genetics.

By IcePenguin of

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: '9'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Helper1
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Helper2
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Breed Images

Breed C1N9 preview
Breed C1N9 preview
Breed C1N9 preview
Breed C1N9 preview

Other Images

Breed C1N9 preview
Breed C1N9 preview