Giraffe Norn

Giraffe Norn thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Giraffe
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
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The Giraffe Norns occupy Grendel Slot Y. These Norns like to travel, although they would really feel at home in the Ettin Desert. They live shorter lives than your average Norns and have somewhat longer pregnancies as well. Giraffes also tend to get hungry quite easily. If I recall correctly they use Evolnemesis' Evo Norn genome as the default genome.

Starter parents Olaf and Olivia are also included.

Agent Contents

Giraffe Norn - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Grendel: 'y'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult]

Creature Contents

Name: Olaf
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male

Breed Images

Breed C3GY preview
Breed C3GY preview
Breed C3GY preview
Breed C3GY preview
b839 - Breed C3GY.png
b839 - Breed C3GY.png

Other Images

Creature - Olaf
Creature - Olaf
Breed C3GY preview
Breed C3GY preview