Black Blob Geats

Black Blob Geats thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 3
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File Size: 2.23 MB

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These immortal, hostile aliens come in three varieties: Lizard Black Blobs, Normal Black Blobs and UFO Black Blobs. They are completely immune to disease and injury and never need food.

Text File Composite

::----- BLACKBLOB README.txt -----::
Black blob readme.
Occupy Geat slot D and U.
Put the wav. files in the "sound" folder.(In my world they work fine.)
Put the att. files in the "body data" folder.
Put the c16. files in the "images" folder.
Put the Creature. files in the "my creatures" folder.
Now you can import your black blobs in your world.
- Black blobs are immortal.
- Black blobs never catch injury's and disease.
- Black blobs don,t age.
- Black blobs did,nt need food.
- Black blobs are very agressiv to grendels, and a little bit to norns and ettins.

You must put the Sounds in the "Sounds" folder or your game will Crash!

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Geat: 'j'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Geat: 'd'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Breed Slot - Geat: 'u'
	- MALE: [Child]
	- FEMALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Male


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Female


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Female


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Male


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Male


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Male


Name: Un-Named
Genus: Geat
Gender: Female

Breed Images

b7cf - Breed C3SD.png
b7cf - Breed C3SD.png
b7cf - Breed C3SD.png
b7cf - Breed C3SD.png
Breed C3SD preview
Breed C3SD preview

Other Images

Creature - 001_geat_fur33_264hx_k24u7_gf63r.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_fur33_264hx_k24u7_gf63r.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_c3t4p_r6rbf_gaaa5_ff8hg.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_c3t4p_r6rbf_gaaa5_ff8hg.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_ge3lj_zlcq6_be8gu_6avxf.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_ge3lj_zlcq6_be8gu_6avxf.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_3udzc_ljnpb_d2fyc_ds8kh.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_3udzc_ljnpb_d2fyc_ds8kh.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_5mza6_sm5sp_fgjc7_vv428.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_5mza6_sm5sp_fgjc7_vv428.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_7wpul_y7l4n_jp448_k5gkp.ds.creature(unnamed)
Creature - 001_geat_7wpul_y7l4n_jp448_k5gkp.ds.creature(unnamed)
b7cf - Breed C3SD.png
b7cf - Breed C3SD.png