Bread Box by Jessica (NoOA) for Creatures 1, food and vendor agent
Bread Box by Jessica (NoOA) for Creatures 1, food and vendor agent
::----- ReadMe.txt -----:: ....Bread Box.... What do you get when you mix flour, yeast, water, and a pinch of salt? If you answered bread you'd be correct, and if you answered salty dough you'd also be correct. Fortunately though this isn't a salty dough COB - Norns don't like eating salty dough, so they'd be no point really...Also who wants salty dough? Who eats salty dough? Why am I talking about salty dough at all???? ANYWAY, back on topic - this is a Bread box cob (bred_bx.cob) that vends...Bread. (Not salty dough. Bread) Bread is a yummy food that's good for all manner of Creatures and makes a nice change from cheese and carrots. This Cob uses sprite numbers: 2 6 254 (the bread roll) 2 8 254 (the box) To install: 1. You'll need Creatures 1 and the obeject injector from 2. Place all .cob and .rcb files in your Program Files\Creatures folder All .spr files go into Program Files\Images 3. Have fun! Any complaints, comments or call for salty dough COBs can be directed to *****, or left in the guest book or message board at