Helen's Blueberry Juice Vendor

Helen's Blueberry Juice Vendor thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File bberry.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Helen
  • NornGOD
  • Hausmouse
Wiki Link Search "Helen's Blueberry Juice Vendor" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 381 KB

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The Blueberry Juice Vendor is a conversion of the original C2 COB by Helen. NORNGod made the nifty vendor sprites.

The Blueberry Juice Vendor dispenses glasses of cool, refreshing blueberry juice. Your creatures will see them as fruit, so tell them to 'eat fruit'. The dispenser can be activated by creatures with 'pull dispenser' or 'push dispenser', but they cannot pick it up.

Text File Composite

::----- blueberry_vendor.txt -----::
Helen's Blueberry Juice Vendor for Creatures 3 and Docking Station 
     - blueberry_vendor.txt - April 20, 2001 - VERSION 1.0

Original C2 cob by Helen, sprites by NORNGod. C3/DS conversion by Hausmouse.

Do not place this agent on your webpage without receiving permission from 
the authors first. Please use the contact info supplied at the bottom of 
this text file to ask for permission.

--- Installation ---
If you have C3, to use this agent you must have the C3 update two!

To see if you have the update press ctrl-shift-enter to put Creatures 3 
into windowed mode. The window should say 'Creatures 3 - Engine 1.162'.
You must start a new world for the update to take effect. Worlds 
created prior to the update will not inject agents correctly, even if 
you have installed the C3 update. Press ctrl-shift-enter to get back 
to full-screen mode.

If you are using Docking Station, don't worry, everything should work fine.

For C3 standalone:

Put blueberry_vendor.agent into your My Agents folder. Start Creatures 3 
and go to the Agent Creator Machine. Make sure you have gotten the 
Creator Efficiency power-ups and have at least 100 units of Bioenergy. 
Click the arrows until you find Blueberry Vendor for C3, then click the 
round create button. 

To remove this agent from your world you must use the 'remove agent'
function of the Agent Creator Machine. 

For Docking Station:
(Capillata only or docked with C3)

Put blueberry_vendor.agent into your Docking Station\My Agents folder. 
Go to the Comms center and click the Agent Injector Button. Blueberry 
Vendor for DS should appear in the available agents list. Select it by 
clicking its name, the press the check mark to inject it into your world. 

Agent Contents

Blueberry Juice for C3

Blueberry Juice Vendor by Helen, conversion to C3 by Hausmouse. Vendor sprites by NORNGod.


Blueberry Juice for DS

Blueberry Juice Vendor by Helen, conversion to DS by Hausmouse. Vendor sprites by NORNGod.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Blueberry Juice for C3
Agent Preview - Blueberry Juice for C3
Agent Preview - Blueberry Juice for DS
Agent Preview - Blueberry Juice for DS