C2toDS - Breeds Quick Converts
Designed to replace Emerald Norns, Desert Norns, Golden Desert Norns, and Pixie Norns.
CA Gecko Norns (555).zip
Note that this has been reported to render ingame with green spew.
CA Pink Alba Norns
Not a 1-1 conversion - this version is, well, pink!
CA Gecko Norns (565).zip
Not a 1-1 conversion - based off the CV Pippin Norn, but heavily edited
Albian Snail Modified
Albian Snail is a conversion of the Creatures 2 Snail. A native albian snail was brought back by the lone shee. He captured it inside a launching pod and now you can create more!
Albian Glow-worm Modified
The Albian Glow-worm is a conversion of the Creatures 2 Glow Worm. These animals were also native to Albia at one time. The lone shee collected a few and produced this vendor to create more.
Albian Glow Fly Modified
The Albian Glow Fly is a conversion of the Creatures 2 Firefly. This fly was commonly found on the planet of Albia. When the lone shee left, he picked up a few on the way and made them a little nest to live in.
Helen's Blueberry Juice Vendor
The Blueberry Juice Vendor is a conversion of the original C2 COB by Helen. NORNGod made the nifty vendor sprites. The Blueberry Juice Vendor dispenses glasses of cool, refreshing blueberry juice. Your creatures will see them as fruit, so tell them to 'eat fru
Parsnips for Creatures 3
Here are some parsnips from Creatures Adventures for your C3 Norns to enjoy.
Flower 1 for Creatures 3
Here are some flowers from Creatures Adventures for your C3 Norns to enjoy.
C2 Nut Plant.zip
Good old nut plant from C2