Banshee Ark Meso v0.8 by Ghosthande, Pilla and CeruleanSilver for Docking Station, metaroom, and vendor, seed, plant, toy, food, critter, fruit and pest agents
Banshee Ark Meso v0.8 by Ghosthande, Pilla and CeruleanSilver for Docking Station, metaroom, and vendor, seed, plant, toy, food, critter, fruit and pest agents
::----- -----:: # CCSF-Grendelpack This is the Banshee Ark repository. The Banshee Ark site can be found here - Releases can be found in the releases tab here - The Banshee Ark Team wishes you lots of fun with this project! Feel free to report bugs/issues/suggestions. ::----- readme.txt -----:: Grendel Meso Sprites by Jesseth, CosmiSynth and Uzag. Coding by Pilla and Arnout. Dart Grendels by CeruleanSilver. Dustdevil Grendels by Ghosthande. How to install: Put the .agents file in your /agents/ folder. Inject from the DS injector. The dustdevil and dart grendels will automatically show up in your muco/egg layers. Enjoy!
Inject this agent to increase the capillata size: this agent creates an extra room below the capillata, which can be flooded with either fresh or salt water. Above the capillata, some extra space is also created.
Inject the Banshee Ark Meso