Updated Grorn

Updated Grorn thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Updated Grorns.zip
  • Creatures 1
  • Jessica
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Grorn
File Size: 214 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


The Grorns are a breed of norn for Creatures 1 that have the sprites and body data of C1 Grendels. As they use norn breed slot 9, they are classed by the game as being norns, which can lead to some pretty funky crossbreeds.

Jessica made a conversion of her Complete Updated C1 Grendel to norn breed slot 9, updating the Grorns.

Text File Composite

::----- Updated-C1-Grorn-Readme.txt -----::
Updated Creatures 1 Grorn
By Jessica of Discover Albia
Original Grendels by Gameware
Original Grorns by Lis Morris
Version 1.0


This is breed occupies Norn breed slot 9, and the files will overwrite any existing body data or sprite files. Make sure to create backups before copying over the new files.


This download includes body data and sprite fixes for the Creatures 1 Grorns. All life stages (baby, adult, and elder) are included for both genders. Most notably, poses and gaits have been markedly improved and all body parts should fit together without any previous issues. Keep in mind that Grorns look exactly like Grendels, but are classified as Norns. This allows the Norn and Grendel body parts to mix together throughout the generations, although these crosses can have slightly odd poses and gaits!


- Body Data (Female)
- Body Data (Male)
- Sprites (Female)
- Sprites (Male)
- Updated-C1-Grorn-Readme.txt


- Make sure Creatures 1 is not running.
- Place the new .att files in the Creatures 1\Body Data directory.
- Place the new .spr files in the Creatures 1\Images directory.
- Reload Creatures 1 and enjoy the updated Grorns!


- All instances of sharing must include the Readme file and proper credit.
- This creation may be privately distributed and shared, provided that all files remain together, including the Readme.
- This creation may not be hosted, nor uploaded, anywhere unless Discover Albia goes down permanently and Jessica can not be reached.


Jessica of Discover Albia

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: '9'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Senile]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Senile]

Breed Images

a383 - Breed C1N9
a383 - Breed C1N9
a383 - Breed C1N9
a383 - Breed C1N9
Breed C1N9 preview
Breed C1N9 preview

Other Images

a383 - Breed C1N9
a383 - Breed C1N9