Eemfoo Search


Updated Grornedit

The Grorns are a breed of norn for Creatures 1 that have the sprites and body data of C1 Grendels. As they use norn breed slot 9, they are classed by the game as being norns, which can lead to some pr

Blue Drumedit

The Blue Drum has a soothing beat which calms the savage beast. It can be pushed and pulled by creatures, and has benefits for both the player and the listeners.

Little Nut Treeedit

Made for the CCSF 2016 by Allekha! The description is as follows: Allekhawrote:I had a little nut tree, and nothing would it bear, but a silver nut-meg, and a golden pear... or was it a golden nut-meg

Fixed Pudding '96edit

Made for the CCSF 2016 by Malkin! The description is as follows: The Fixed Christmas Pudding 1996, inspired by Jessica's recent C1 food updates at Discover Albia, adds similar fixes to the Christmas P

Purple Mountain Hootchedit

After a recent tremor caused by the Creatures Community Spirit Festival party, something called 'drink' has rolled down from the Purple Mountains of Albia to the delight of your Purple Mountain, Fores

Dr Shoy's Cure-All Pillsedit

This COB comes with the following files: cure-all-pills_readme.txt Dr Shoy's Cure-All Pills.cob Dr Shoy's Cure-All Pills.rcb elxr.spr Description: These pills give any Creature who pushes them a hig