Compilation Mall Breed Pack

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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Creature Labs
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Compilation of all Creatures Mall breed packs.

Agent Contents

Awkwood creeper

SUITABLE FOR USE ONLY IN A DOCKED WORLD If this world is not docked with C3, please use the Docking Station agent injector page to inject this agent. Injecting this agent into an undocked world, from this page, can result in map errors.


Beach Ball

Big bouncy beach ball.



A special toy crafted for the Toxic Norns. As well as providing the usual toy-like amusement, it also spews forth a feast of detritus.


Calm Balm

Are your Creatures too angry? Punching too many things? Generally grumpy all the time? Use this Calm Balm to chill them out a bit!


Chilli Pepper Pot

SUITABLE FOR USE ONLY IN A DOCKED WORLD If this world is not docked with C3, please use the Docking Station agent injector page to inject this agent. Injecting this agent into an undocked world, from this page, can result in map errors.



Injects a Crobster vending machine into your world. Your Bondi Norns will love to eat the critters that it makes, but make sure you've got some water handy for the Crobsters to breed in!


Cuddly Tree

The world will suddenly seem a much nicer, friendlier place for any Norn activating one of the Shee's special Cuddly Trees.



A long, hollow, wooden tube that can be used by older Norns as a musical instrument. They seem captivated by its mellow droning...


Grendel Upgrade C3

Please read the information on the Banshee Grendel page before installing. Warning: Make sure you only inject this into worlds that have no creatures or eggs in them. If you don't, the upgrade may not work correctly, and you may even experience errors.

Grendel Upgrade DS

Please read the information on the Banshee Grendel page before installing. <tint 255 0 0>Warning: Make sure you only inject this into worlds that have no creatures or eggs in them. If you don't, the upgrade may not work correctly, and you may even experience errors.


An angry Robot Grendel to relieve your Norns' stress



An angry Robot Grendel for your creatures to play with.


Panatreea Potion

Chock-full of Vitamin C and Prostaglandin, a swig or two of the Panatreea Potion will give the immune system of a fragile Norn a good boost!


Popping Pappus

A flower to brighten up your starship. And maybe give your Norns hayfever...


PST-001: Trapdoor Bouncer

Colourful small life forms that seem to get everywhere. Official designation PST-001, affectionately known as Trapdoor Bouncers.


PST-002: Trapdoor Slinker

Kaleidoscopicly colourful, slinkily squelchy. Official designation PST-002, affectionately known as Trapdoor Slinkers.


PST-003 Hoverhook Bouncer

They bounce, they hover, and they've got hooks. Officially designated PST-003, these little bundles of bouncy trouble are affectionately known as Hoverhook Bouncers.


Quirky Cookie Machine

Create your own cool Shee cookies with this nifty (but somewhat quirky) cookie machine.


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within the current area. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within the current area. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Stinking Stump Plant

When its disgusting flower has matured, this foul smelling vegetation spews forth detrital packets that Toxic Norns love to eat.


Toxic Trashcan

A bin so foul that even the rubbish is trying to escape. Press the pedal and liberate some litter today!



This strange detritus and bacteria symbiont will infect your creatures with toxins. Great for Toxic Norns, but terrible news for any other creature.. don't say we didn't warn you!


PST-001 Trapdoor Bouncer

Colourful small life forms that seem to get everywhere. Official designation PST-001, affectionately known as Trapdoor Bouncers.


PST-002 Trapdoor Slinker

Kaleidoscopicaly colourful, slinkily squelchy. Official designation PST-002, affectionately known as Trapdoor Slinkers.


Toxic Cookie Recipes

Eight new (but nasty) recipes for the Quirky Cookie Machine from the Treehugger Norn Pack.

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'i'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'h'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'j'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'l'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'e'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'o'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'n'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'k'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'f'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Norn: 'm'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Slot - Grendel: 'b'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Breed Images

Breed C3NI preview
Breed C3NI preview
Breed C3NN preview
Breed C3NN preview
Breed C3NM preview
Breed C3NM preview
Breed C3NF preview
Breed C3NF preview
Breed C3NE preview
Breed C3NE preview
a13a - Breed C3NO.png
a13a - Breed C3NO.png
Breed C3NK preview
Breed C3NK preview
a13a - Breed C3NI.png
a13a - Breed C3NI.png

Other Images
