Creatures 0: ALBIA VERSION 04/02

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Original File ALB2203.ZIP
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File Size: 643 KB


Official Creatures 02 contains sprite files

Text File Composite

::----- README.TXT -----::



- Pushing the mouse to the edges of the screen pans the camera across
  the world. The total world is 32x4 screens, but only the first part
  contains graphics & objects at the moment.

- Clicking the left button over an object is likely to ACTIVATE it in some
  way, eg. clicking on a beachball makes it bounce; clicking over the
  lower part of an elevator lever makes the elevator move down; clicking
  over a creature's head 'pats' it (reward), while clicking over its
  body 'smacks' it (punishment). Not all objects do something at the moment.

- Clicking the right button over an object PICKS IT UP (if it is portable).
  Clicking a second time drops it again.


- The switch on the right quits the game (it'll do it more elegantly

- The rectangle in the middle is a VDU that can be used to monitor creatures.
  Clicking the two buttons to the left of the VDU scrolls through the
  various display modes. These are as follows:-

  a) Off
  b) Life-form detector.
  c) Creature's eye view. This follows the current creature's line of sight
	 to show what object he is looking at (and therefore considering doing
	 something to).
  d) Brain scan. Shows which neurones are firing (neurones in different
	 locations have different functions; this will be explained in the
  e) Motor Cortex monitor. This watches the motor cortex neurones. Each
	 neurone relates to a different 'action strategy'. The neurone that's
	 firing the strongest is the action that the creature will take
	 (shown by a blip under the appropriate bar). The action strategies