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C2toDS Boney Grendelsedit

A complete redo of a C3/DS version of the boney grendels from creatures 2, starting from the original c2 sprites and scaling/adjusting/etc to fit them to mostly standard body data and completely compatible sprite sizes, counts, poses and ages. Adds missing fro

Bry Norns Remasterededit

Brys have the really neat gimmick of containing sprite parts from all of the creatures games that feature unique art. This remaster is a complete cleanup of the bry norns by Erling! Remaster cleans up black edges and floating pixels, fills holes and adds missi

Updated Grornedit

The Grorns are a breed of norn for Creatures 1 that have the sprites and body data of C1 Grendels. As they use norn breed slot 9, they are classed by the game as being norns, which can lead to some pretty funky crossbreeds. Jessica made a conversion of her Com

Deep Norn Packedit

The Deep Norns come with new genetics based on Vampess's CFE breeds. Like the Bondi Norns, they can remain underwater for longer periods. Once their transformation is complete, they gain the ability to breathe underwater. They are capable of eating "surfa

Dustdevil Grendeledit

The Dustdevil Grendels are a C3/DS breed by Ghosthande based on a concept by Gobbo. They occupy the Grendel breed slot X, and clash with the Tiger Grendels. They were released as part of the CCSF 2012. They come with a pack of agents which are geared toward ma