Art Easel
Sam999 was the winner of the CCSF 2013 Art Contest, and he has kindly offered to share his unique prize! This art easel is sure to bring out the artist in every Creature... They may not have refined b
Advanced Muco
A display next to Muco the Egg Layer that allows you to choose breeds from a list.
Peaceful Death
Makes dead creatures invisible so neighboring creatures will respectfully leave them alone. Also makes dead creatures pickupable by the hand.
Fungi Update
A patch for the official C3 Grendel Jungle Mushroom which causes it to release 5 spores at a time when seeding rather than only one, helping it maintain its population.
Creatures 0 Pack v1.5
Sprites from Creatures Prototype (with some modifications occasionally). A pack including the breeds with sprites from C0, and some Agents based on the early COBs of C0. Boid Norns Dragon Grendels Fl
Dragonfly Demon Ettin 2022
The Dragonfly Demon Ettins, are, despite their name, a very charming and good-tempered breed of ettins by Trix for the CCSF 2006. They're playful, sociable (with norns, ettins and grendels) and they t
Jungle Ruins v1.1.0
A jungle themed metaroom created by eemfoo and bedalton! Makes use of AI generated images that were photo-bashed, edited and corrected by eemfoo Robots and fruit are AI generated, and animated by beda
EcoPort 1.1
This is the EcoPort! A remastering of several C2 plants and animals for C3's ecosystem. V1.1 contains a myriad of fixes to fish, fireflies, plants and more
C1 Carp Lanterns
A set of carp-shaped lanterns that can be placed anywhere! Click to toggle on/off and shift-click to flip it around. When on, they emit light at a level of 0.8. Classified as a toy, they sway gently w
Geo Norns
A rock and crystal inspired breed from EemFoo for CCSF2023
Affordable Norns v1.1
A tribute to the lost C2 breed Cheap Norns, this breed features bold colors in a flat shaded style.
CRAG Gaia v1.02
Released for the CCSF 2023, a version of Gaia that doesn't use breedslots and can keep her original voice, through the power of CRAG! It's still Gaia and acts just like the original (for the most part
C2toDS Boney Grendels
A complete redo of a C3/DS version of the boney grendels from creatures 2, starting from the original c2 sprites and scaling/adjusting/etc to fit them to mostly standard body data and completely compa
Bry Norns Remastered
Brys have the really neat gimmick of containing sprite parts from all of the creatures games that feature unique art. This remaster is a complete cleanup of the bry norns by Erling! Remaster cleans up
Starjelly Vine v1.1
A vine that grows in the warmth above the incubation plate that produces tasty, bouncy, juicy, star-shaped fruit. For Docking Station or docked worlds only. V1.1 Fix rare issue where a starjelly would