Terra Nornia

Terra Nornia thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File terranornia.zip
  • Creatures 1
  • Slink
  • Lis Morris
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Terra_Nornia
File Size: 5.51 MB


Albia was getting overcrowded. The Hand was keeping up to 24 norns and hordes of grendels in a world meant at most for 12 norns and one grendel. Food had never been that abundant and it was running short. In the overcrowding and starvation, it was even rumoured that some creatures were living on Breaded Hatchling Norn!

Then word came that a new world was opening up. Two of the Handish had created a world where the inequities and lack of foresight of the Shee deserters had been corrected. A world with abundant rooms and the privacy of locking doors. A world filled with food, drink, toys and the amenities of life. A world where all consenting adult creatures could do as they liked with each other. A world with a larger vocabulary. A world with, dared they believe it, seasons!

A world called Terra Nornia.

A competing rumour said that the Shee were returning to re-capture their abandoned pets. The Shee were offering a new world but every creature who went with the Shee would have to undergo treatment that not all would survive intact. Faced with the choice of an easy and reversible transition to a new world now, or the chance of permanent personality annihilation at the hands of the dreadful Shee later, the exodus to Terra Nornia began.

Terra Nornia is a new world for Creatures designed by Sandra Linkletter (Slink) and Lis Morris. It is entirely different to Albia, and we hope you and your norns enjoy using it!

Text File Composite

::----- index.txt -----::
Location of Sprite Files


wclk => art by Lis Morris

5in1 => based on Daniel Smallman's Pear Tree
aspa => art by Lis Morris
beez => from CyberLife's website
chst => art by Lis Morris
cows => from Daniel Smallman's Cow
cray => based on Spotling's Crayfish but additional poses appended
cwsl => art by Lis Morris
flwr => from CyberLife's website
flya => art by Lis Morris
holi => from CyberLife's website
monk => art by Lis Morris
potb => based on Freya's Potatoes
sdrp => art by Lis Morris
seas => art by Lis Morris
vale => art by Lis Morris
whog => art by Slink
will => art by Lis Morris

ange => from SteerPike's Art Collection
bart => from SteerPike's Art Collection
blak => from SteerPike's Art Collection
bott => from SteerPike's Art Collection
boug => from SteerPike's Art Collection
braq => from SteerPike's Art Collection
breu => from SteerPike's Art Collection
burn => from SteerPike's Art Collection
ceza => from SteerPike's Art Collection
chag => from SteerPike's Art Collection
coro => from SteerPike's Art Collection
cour => from SteerPike's Art Collection
dali => from SteerPike's Art Collection

Agent Contents

Terra Nornia Ticket to Balloon

Terra Nornia Ticket to Garden

Terra Nornia Ticket to Kitchen

Terra Nornia Ticket to Pasture

Terra Nornia Ticket to Potatoes

Terra Nornia Ticket to Swamp

Terra Nornia Ticket to Theater

Terra Nornia Ticket to WartHog

Terra Nornia Ticket to World Clock

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