Gaz's Completed Shee

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Original File Gaz's Completed Shee
  • Creatures 1
  • Gaz
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Gaz's Completed Shee Geats by Gaz for Creatures 1, contains a new sprite breed, and 2 baby geat exports

Text File Composite

::----- Shees.txt -----::
The Ancient Shees

* To install please read 'installing.txt'

Status:        Just born, named, un-educated
Old Species:   -?-
Colour:        Cyan (male), light purple (female)
Special:       See 'care.txt'
Exp's:         Mithril.exp (male)
               Ruby.exp (female)
Gen's:         Shee.gen
Gno's:	       Shee.gno

::----- Installing.txt -----::
Installing the Shees

To install the Shees supplied place all the files ending '.spr' in
your Creatures\Images folder and all the files ending in '.att' in
your Creatures\Body Data folder.

You can then import these magical creatures into Albia.

The Shees' sprites and body data files are based on those by
Lis Morris at
All other work is my own.

::----- Care.txt -----::

Thousands of years ago in Albia there were Shees.
They were the creators of the magical temples and instruments you
see in Albia today, not to mention the creators of weapons such
as the stungun and many different traps. But the Shee couldn't
survive the harsh climate, and the distinct lack of food. They were
going to leave.

The ancient Shee culture left for another planet. But without even
realising it they left their creations; Norns, Grendels, Ettins
and the Hand.

Later that year all the food ran out. The Ettins disappeared without
a trace (only to be see again after the eruption of the volcano)
and the Norns and Grendels perished.

Four eggs were left...

One hatched into a green monster. It made its nest in the trees and
began to reproduce its kind. Then, from the seas, a hand appeared
and began to build up technology from when the Shees had left.
It placed on of the eggs in the incubator to hatch later, but an
inquisitive butterfly landed on a red button and a Norn hatched (the
Hand kept a video of this and later named it Introduction).

Years later, after the hands had brought food to the lost creatures,
the last two eggs hatched.

They were the Shees.

The two Shees contained within are called Mythril and Ruby.
They can feel heat and cold, and can die of new diseases only
linked with warm-blooded creatures. They live for 60 hours or more.
They can breed like Norns, producing an egg that can be put in the
incubator as normal. You cannot select the Shees except with the
special COBs designed for the job.
Also, the Shees recognise the Creatures that they left behind to die,

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Geat: '0'
	- MALE: [Child]

Creature Contents

Name: Mithril
Genus: Geat
Gender: Male


Name: Ruby
Genus: Geat
Gender: Female

Breed Images

Breed C1S0 preview
Breed C1S0 preview
Breed C1S0 preview
Breed C1S0 preview
b0da - Breed C1S0
b0da - Breed C1S0