Borg Norn v8.3

Borg Norn v8.3 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 2
  • Matthew Holmes
Wiki Link
File Size: 4.65 MB

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Borg Norn v8 by Matthew Holmes for Creatures 2, is an agent and breed pack, with a critter agents and 7 norn exports

Text File Composite

::----- credits.txt -----::
The BorgNorns for Creatures 2, v8.3
From Uncovered Projects


Matthew Holmes : genetics, creation of the 'BorgNorns', pseudocode
Kate Skinner: sprites
Timothy Judge : ATT Bodydata files
Bill Murray : BNCOB initial design & creation
Jeff Croops: BNCOB final design & creation
Larry : Beta-testing
Christian Herwitz :Beta-testing
Artie Kufdakis : Beta-testing
Jayswa : Beta-testing
John Carroll : Beta-testing
Desi : Beta-testing
Mandy : Beta-testing
Kr0nicd : Beta-testing
Pete Fuller : Beta-testing
Peter Cuomo/EttinBoy : Beta-testing
Julie Lybarger : Beta-testing
Stephen Bennetts : Beta-testing
Striker561 : Beta-testing
Dan : Beta-testing
Vjmom : Beta-testing
William Mueller : Beta-testing
Territt : Beta-testing
Pieter Verhoeks : Beta-testing
Scaly14 : Beta-testing
Jppis35 : Beta-testing
Leonard How : Beta-testing
DraMew : Beta-testing
Julian : Beta-testing
DinoNorn : Beta-testing
Data : Beta-testing
MadDawg : Beta-testing
Tobble : Beta-testing
Dave : Beta-testing
Paul Phelps : Beta-testing
Jonathan Hudson : Beta-testing

::----- readme.rtf -----::
The BorgNorns for Creatures 2, v8.3 
  from Uncovered Projects  
 	 Unzip the following file types to the relevant directories: 
 .s16	 \c2\images 
 .att	 \c2\bodydata 
 .gen	 \c2\genetics 
 .egg	 \c2\eggs 
 .cob	 \c2\objects 
 .exp	 \c2\ 
 If your graphics card uses 555 format unzip the 555 sub archive and place the images in your images directory. 
 If your graphics card uses 565 format unzip the 565 sub archive and place the images in your images directory. 
 Getting Started: 
 	 If you want to introduce the BorgNorns to your Albia by hatching an egg, move the files *.egg into your \c2\eggs\ folder 
 	 BorgNorn eggs will then appear in your hatchery for you to hatch. 
 	 If you want to import the BorgNorns into your Albia, place the *.exp files in your \c2\ folder and import them via the menu within the game.	 	  
 	 	 The BorgNorns named Locutus & Seven are BG08 BorgNorn drones - this means these will age naturally until they become fully assimilated at adulthood. 
 	 	 The BorgNorns named Hugh & Queen are BG07 BorgNorn Tactical drones - these drones are designed for agressively active assimilation and will immediately be matured to the adulthood lifestage. 
 	 	 If you want your BorgNorns to suddenly take Albia by surprise then, all you need is an unassimilated norn in your Albia, and the BorgNorn COBs injected into your world, a single Drone will teleport into the Shee Control Centre. 
 Caring for your little collective 
 The BorgNorns are very self-sufficient and won't require around the clock help from you, leaving you to concentrate on other things in your world, or do wolfling runs. 
 There are some things if you feel the need to help the BorgNorns, that you can do : - 
 inject a drone with 255 sleepiness or make sure a drone sleeps at least once after assimilation/birth - this will help process instincts, and is vital for nanites & nanoprobes to replicate nutrients for the body. 
 if your BorgNorn is on it's own, give it a fellow drone as company - the BorgNorns exist as a collective, so the more you have the smarter and more active they will be. 
 drones that get disconnected from the collective or are assimilated but regain individuality develop RDS (Rogue Drone Syndrome) - you may notice a drasti c personality change and health changes, if you don't want the rogue drone to be assimilated or die, then try to help it adjust and protect it from any active BorgNorns in your world. RDs can become suicidal in rare cases so take care of them! 
 alternatively you can reconnect them to the collective provided they haven't sustained major damage, by injecting some collective chemicals - see the chemicals.doc for information. 
 Trouble shooting 

Agent Contents

BN Assimilate

Used for assimilating other norns into borg. Script 0 0 0 29 & 4 0 0 3 will be altered. This injection is required for the Borg Norns to assimilate.

BN Assimilate G&E

Injecting this COB (after the BN Assimilate & BN Controller) allows Grendel & Ettin assimilations. Mixing in Grendels and Ettins may cause C2 to crash. Use the BN Assimilate to disable Grendels and Ettins again.

BN Controller

The Borg Norn Queen. This should be injected with the assimilation cob. If no BorgNorns are present. One will be added after injection.

BN Removal

Designed to replace and remove all Borg Norn scripts. Default scripts 0 0 0 29 & 4 0 0 3 are injected.

Borg Doozer

Cybernetic doozers can be hazardous to regular doozers. Resistance is pretty much futile. When a Borg Doozer dies a new Doozer will fall from the sky. Borg Doozers get around by teleporting to different locations at night but have been known to occasionally teleport during the day. -Uncovered Projects - & for updates.


Borg Probe

Robotic spherical probes used by the BorgNorn collective to explore Albia. The probes are relatively harmless and show an interest in Albian technology and lifeforms.


Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'w'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Youth]
	- MALE: [Youth, Adult]

Creature Contents

Name: 25o01
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: 4 of 10
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female


Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: <UnNamed>
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: hope
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female


Name: hugh
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: seven
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Breed Images

76ad - Breed C3NW.png
76ad - Breed C3NW.png
76ad - Breed C3NW.png
76ad - Breed C3NW.png
Breed C3NW preview
Breed C3NW preview
Breed C2NW preview
Breed C2NW preview

Other Images

Agent Preview - Borg Probe
Agent Preview - Borg Probe
Agent Preview - Borg Doozer
Agent Preview - Borg Doozer
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate G&E
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate G&E
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate G&E
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate G&E
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate
Agent Preview - BN Assimilate
Agent Preview - BN Removal
Agent Preview - BN Removal
76ad - Breed C3NW.png
76ad - Breed C3NW.png