Norngarden 2 v1.1

Norngarden 2 v1.1 thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Tomtschek
Wiki Link
File Size: 5.16 MB

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Norngarden 2 Version 1.1

Norngarden 2 is the second part of the Metaroom series for Dockingstation. It should work in Creatures 3 Standallone if you have Norngarden 1 in your world but that hasen't been tested verry much. To install it you simpla drag the ng2.agent and the ng2remv.agent into the "My Agents" folder and insert it like any other agent. To remoove it you insert the Norngarden 2 Remoove Agent which should do the job.

***Attention: You must not inject or remove Norngarden 1 from your world while Norngarden 2 is running unless you have Norngarden 1 in a version 2.0 or later! Get the updated version!

Remember to keep your password since you will need it every time you start a new world!

Keep in mind: Giving away Norngarden 2 to other peopel is illegal and if nobody supports my work I will not be able to work on future creatures projects!

Version 1.1 gets rid of a bug which would not let you inject all of Norngarden2 in C3 standallone worlds.

Credits Programming and Artwork by Tomtchek

Text File Composite

::----- NG2Passwords.txt -----::
The password is based on your username: the list is as follows:

Username Starts with          Password
ABC - anton
DEF - daisy
GHI - glenda
JKL - jutta
MNO - mickey
PQR - pupehile
STU - snoopy
VWX - vader
YZ - yasmine
anything else - pudding

::----- norngarden2-readme.txt -----::
********* Norngarden 2 *********

Norngarden 2 Version 1.1
Norngarden 2 is the second part of the Metaroom series for Dockingstation. It should work in Creatures 3 Standallone if you have Norngarden 1 in your world but that hasen't been tested verry much. 
To install it you simpla drag the ng2.agent and the ng2remv.agent into the "My Agents" folder and insert it like any other agent. To remoove it you insert the Norngarden 2 Remoove Agent which should do the job. 

***Attention: You must not inject or remove Norngarden 1 from your world while Norngarden 2 is running unless you have Norngarden 1 in a version 2.0 or later! Get the updated version!

Remember to keep your password since you will need it every time you start a new world!

Keep in mind: Giving away Norngarden 2 to other peopel is illegal and if nobody supports my work I will not be able to work on future creatures projects! 

Version 1.1 gets rid of a bug which would not let you inject all of Norngarden2 in C3 standallone worlds.

Programming and Artwork by Tomtchek

For Updates and Expansionpacks check the Norngarden Website

If you encounter any bugs please mail to ***** so we can work on an update.

Agent Contents

Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <C3>

This Metaroom-Pack expands your Norngarden with a beautifull garden area. It is designed for Dockingstation. If you have Norngarden 1 in a C3 only world it should work though. To remove NG2 use the remover agent. Use Norngarden1 vers. 2.0 or later in a world with this agent!


Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <DS>

This Metaroom-Pack expands your Dockingstation with a beautifull garden area. To remove NG2 use the remover agent. Use Norngarden1 vers. 2.0 or later in a world with this agent!


Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<C3>

Removes Norngarden II from your world. Use this agent with a version of Norngarden1 later than 2.0!

Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<DS>

Removes Norngarden2 from your world. Use this agent with a version of Norngarden I later than 2.0!

Other Images

Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <DS>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <DS>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<C3>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<C3>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<C3>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 Remove 1.0<C3>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <C3>
Agent Preview - Norngarden 2 vers.1.1 <C3>