Creatures @ CU7: Despite the name, not all of these breeds were first released on Creatures @ CU7. A good chunk of them were first available at KnyteTrypper's C3/DS Nexus or the Gameware Forums first; Creatures @ CU7 was just their latest home, and the place they were available the longest before now.
Absent Half-Life Grendels This strange breed was sort of a happy accident. After I had fired up a new world in Creatures 3 and finished with setting everything up, I threw the starter parents into the Gene Splicer and spliced them together. After I had done that, I decided to start randomly throwing stuff into the Gene Splicer and find out what came out. So a bunch of creatures went in, including a female Arimedes GoM, a Chameleon Ettin, and several breeds of CFE creatures.
The end result was a charming little blue grendel with the back legs of a bengal norn. After playing with him a little, I decided to look at his genetics to see any special requirements he might have. Interestingly, I found he lacked a lot of genes - notably, a half-life (hence the name of the breed). After I made a female clone of him, I threw them both into the Medical Bay, and I found out they lacked a heartbeat.
So what did I do from there? I decided to tweak the appearance and color genes a little and made them into a genetic breed.
Amphibious Banshee Grendels These grendels are amphibious and have more pigment and pigment bleed genes so that, when edited, they can keep their color all their lives. Also, the pigment, pigment bleed, and gait genes have the mutation, duplication, and cut chances deactivated.
Ancient Fish Grendels – Aquatilis Caverna Edition (a.k.a Ancient Fish Grendels v1.5) The first version of the Ancient Fish Grendels met their expectations well, but I noticed some features I intended them to have didn't get carried through all the way-mainly with the crowdedness and coldness. I've often seen them start backing up from each other when there are only two of them, and some actually shiver.
More recently, I finally found out about the patch Moe made for the Aquatilis Caverna V2 plant overpopulation. In my opinion, the fast-breeding plants took away a lot of the metaroom's charm, and the patch made it enjoyable to me.
Both to improve the AFG genome and in personal celebration of the patch's making, I made the Ancient Fish Grendels, Aquatilis Caverna Edition.
These grendels possess all the features of V1, with the following changes:
- They are now more resistant to crowding and coldness
- They live twice as long as V1.
- While V1 bred slowly, V1.5 breed fairly quickly once reaching breeding age.
- They will become angry if smacked and will slap when angry.
The Story of the Ancient Fish Grendels Sitting on the highest level of the Meso on his ship, the Lone Banshee was going over his thoughts.
Looking around, it would be clear to most that a banshee owned this ship-grendel eggs were piled up in random locations, and grendels were just as abundant.
And yet – unlike most banshee, he had plenty of norns and ettins as well. However, getting the norns, ettins, and grendels to get along was somewhat tough. He had hardman norns who insisted on picking fights with his dusky grendels, the latter being mostly peaceful and not interested in rumbles. His normal grendels loved to attack the chichi norns, and his bondis were regularly assaulted by his aquatic grendels.
All this chaos was too much for him occasionally, like now.
After getting up and having to tie up a banshee grendel who was about to attack a Bengal, he decided there was one way to escape this-why not dust off the old Warp Portal and take a trip?
He went to the Workshop, and after activating the warp, he punched in random numbers, he jumped in.
Ancient Fish Grendels These grendels have gills and cannot survive on land for long. Although they won't drown as fast as shark grendels, they will still drown much faster then regular grendels.
The "ancient" part of their name comes from their long lives-they age very slowly. They'll swim with my improved swimmeragent, if you have it.
In spite of the fact that their genome is modified from the regular banshee genome, they are friendly, social grendels who enjoy others company and do not get crowded that easily.
Temperature is rarely an issue-they do not get cold all that fast, and heat is typically unexperienced doe to their underwater lives.
The grendels are carnivorous, but they shouldn't decimate your critters-they require very little food to keep them going.
The ancient fish grendels' immune systems are not as strong as regular banshees – so keep an eye on them and where they wander.
You'd think social creatures would kiss-pop a lot, but the ancient fish grendels are infrequent breeders. The females also have longer pregnancies.
Asura Grendels The idea of the asura grendels was originally developed by Lone-Wanderer. However, she never got around to making them, and eventually, she let me use the idea.
There have already been asura norns and asura ettins (both made by Lone-Wanderer). I based my idea on the opposite of the asura ettins.
If the ettins like bright places, then the grendels should be lovers of darkness.
Therefore, the asura grendels get homesick in light, and will want to go down soon after hatching. Also, light will make them fall asleep and kill them (although it will take one really strong burst of light to kill an asura grendel).
Overall, the asura grendels were based on my edit of the banshee grendel genome, the banshee frendels.
- Light will make them get homesick, fall asleep, and die.
- They have a ridiculously long lifespan.
- They have no problems playing with beasts or weeds.
- They can eat detritus and manky.
- They hit norns when H4P.
- They use normal grendel sprites (Grendel A).
Atmosphere Grendels The Atmosphere Grendels stemmed from my desire to make a grendel breed that was pure white in colour (similar to the Paper Doll creatures). After some thought, they have features that make them have quite the air affinity, although they don't fly.
They are resistant to cold and to impacts by falling, as well as being immune to heavy metal poisoning for the most part (they still get their mutation rate upped if infected with Heavy Metals). They like bright areas, so keeping them in a bright area does wonders for a homesick atmosphere.
They prefer open spaces to cramped and crowded areas, and as such they aren't very social and get crowded easily. To compensate for this, the sexual cycle runs through both male and female grendels, which means they are easily bred. Also as a result of their anti-social nature, getting a norn near them is not a good idea in the slightest.
They take longer to reach adulthood than normal grendels, although they have the same overall lifespan as them. Feeding is not a problem, as they can eat anything - from seeds to critters to detritus.
Banshee Frendels Many people have tried to conquer the aggressivness of the banshee grendel before. But until now, nobody made them out of the banshee genome. Alien's banshee frendels, for example, used a modified standard grendel genome. But if it uses a non-banshee grendel genome as a base, it's not a genuine banshee frendel, isn't it?
But now, I present to you the genuine banshee frendels! Modified from the normal banshee genome, they never get angry.
Other features:
- The banshee frendels aren't troubled by homesickness.
- The dancing gaits ("Dancing" for males and "Jive" for females) and the receptors that set them off (Both were Arousal Potential receptors) have been removed – I always found that annoying, because it slowed them down.
- They don't steal eggs
- The unnecessary "Push Buttons when Bored" instinct has been removed.
Banshee Water Predators v2 Version 1: The banshee version of the water predators is somewhat like the original. They feel homesick for water, and swim with the aquanorn swimmeragent. They have an improved ability to find water-they use the elevators. They also have changed eating habits-they will not touch food, fruit, or seeds. Instead, they eat critters and bugs. They also attack norns-then they get starch and fat from slapping them. The color was changed too. They have a nice, green shade to them. They also use teleporters frequently. They were not based on the original version, but were made from the banshee genome-so they're angry a lot.
Changes in Version 2:
- Now swim with my swimmeragent instead of the aquanorn swimmer
- Completly vampiric-They will attack norns and other grendels to feed
- Changed color
- They still feel better in the water than on land, but they are not bound to the water as the originals and will come and go as they please -Amphibious ability was refined
Banshee grendel sprites (Grendel B) are needed to see these correctly.
Black Dragon Grendels A grendel breed whose concept came from the Black Dragon Breed, which is a dragon breed made up by Draconorn.
While not the most violent things around, they have a temper, but it is nowhere near as extreme as their banshee grendel ancestors. They have a dislike of bright areas, and will attempt to go down via the elevator when in light. Light also weakens their immune system, making them more vulnerable to disease.
Dietwise, the black dragon grendels are completly carnivorious-they shouldn't touch seeds, fruit, or food, preferring critters and bugs.
Black Dragon Grendels require the sprites of the Draconian Norns (Geat Z) and the Banshee Grendels (Grendel B).
Blood Drop Swimmers When first born, the blood drop swimmers are actually land-living creatures. They look like ordinary blood grendels. However, when they are children, they still are crawling.
Then adolescense comes-and they become amphibious and able to swim with the aquanorn swimmeragent. Although they won't become drawn to the water until youth.
Adults are gilled. If an adult is stranded on land, he or she will die within a short time. Keep adults and older underwater.
Other features:
- They are based on banshee grendels, but they are less likely to get angry then normal banshees.
- They are partly vampiric, hitting norns to get protein, but they still get an anger and crowded decrease from hitting norns.
- They will sometimes eat critters as well.
- They use the sprites of the Blood Grendels (Grendel K).
Bottom Feeder Grendels These amphibious grendels will eat fish and other water-dwelling critters they can catch. However, they prefer to eat detritus, and will happily eat any edible detritus that other creatures who are more active hunters leave behind.
While any aqua critter that leaves behind edible detritus will work to feed the bottom feeders, crobsters shall work quite nicely.
Other features:
- They become aggressive when smacked. The males are generally more aggressive than the females.
- Detritus and critters have more nutritional value for them than fruit, seeds, or food.
- They are insensitive to cold.
- They will not use elevators or doors usually, due to a lack of the enter, exit, up, down, and wait drives.
- They use the sprites of the Banshee Grendels (Grendel B).
Cetus Grendels An aquatic race. Their most notable feature is the fact their legs are really, really small. This causes them to move very slowly, but adolecents and up can swim around with the aquanorn swimmeragent. In spite of beng able to breathe above water as well as below it, if they are above water, it makes them feel homesick. They will attempt to go down when above water.
Other features of the cetus grendels:
- Warm Water makes them feel homesick.
- They feed on critters and bugs, and also feed off of aquatic ettins by slapping them.
- They have facial expressions
- They will play with toys, but adults will steal eggs
- They use the sprites of the Normal C3 Grendels (Grendel A) and the Micro Grendels (Grendel E).