C1toDS-Patch-2005.09.05.2328 2.exe
Fact | Value |
Original File | C12DS |
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Wiki Link | Search "C12DS Patch 2005-09-05-2328-2" on |
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C1toDS-Patch-2005.09.05.2328 2.exe
::----- c1tods_readme.rtf -----:: ---------------------------------------- | Creatures 1 to Docking Station | | Version 1.0 | ---------------------------------------- Welcome to the readme for C12DS. As you're probably just glancing at this while you wait for the bugger to install, you might want to stop reading a s this will contain interesting information that may take away from your highly regarded playtime. WARNING: Interesting content to follow! ---------------------------------------- | From Carrots to Tomatoes | | The C12DS Story by Lacota | ---------------------------------------- It all started in 2000. I had read some people on the Docking Station Message boards talking about how they liked the art in Creatures 1 over the art in Docking Station and Creatures 3. This is when It donned on me to create a conversion. At first I thought of this as a way to increase my knowledge of the CAOS language. However, it quickly overcame my skills as a programmer to make. At this point I enlisted the help of my first team: Apollo, Fizzstickle, C2BMike, Skywalker and Foster_Mum. We progressed to a semi complete state at the time referred to as Beta1. Aptly named after the zip file from whence it came. It was unstable and buggy at best... a hazard to Norns everywhere at worst. At this point we stopped; many factors occurred to create the stall. It was over a year later the Clucky, with a keen sense of programming, came to our rescue an d began finishing what we started. With the new life of the project brought new members, Don, Skywalker and MNB now joined the team. After much trial and tribulation, only Clucky, Don and myself took it upon ourselves to finish this project. ---------------------------------------- | A Toast | | Lacota's Notes | ---------------------------------------- With the nearly unending list of people I wish to thank, I should start with you, the lucky downloa der of this rather large project. Without you This project would have never started. I hope that you enjoy this add-on as much as we have had making it. Now, for the people I'd like to make special note of, in alphabetical order: · Aftran · Alanna · Apollo · Beth · C2BMike · Chani · Clucky · Eem Foo · Data <...truncated>
Your creatures have come home! Albia is back for Docking Station.
Your creatures have come home! Albia is back for Docking Station.
Add more C1 Albian Carrot Beetles, if needed.
Add more C1 Albian Carrot Beetles, if needed.
You can remove (or later bring back) the bad plants in Creatures 1.
You can remove (or later bring back) the bad plants in Creatures 1.
C1 Carrots are delicious and nutritious.
C1 Carrots are delicious and nutritious.
C1 Cheese is a tasty food for creatures.
C1 Cheese is a tasty food for creatures.
Are you having problems with the C1 to DS Discworld? Remove and re-inject this agent.
Are you having problems with the C1 to DS Discworld? Remove and Reinject this agent.
Add more buttons to stop the lifts on additional floors!
Add more buttons to stop the lifts on additional floors!
C1 Lemons provide protein and vitamins that creatures need to stay healthy.
C1 Lemons provide protein and vitamins that creatures need to stay healthy.
The C1 refrigerator vends food, fruit, and seeds for a nutritionally balanced diet.
The C1 refrigerator vends food, fruit, and seeds for a nutritionally balanced diet.
The C1 Sunflower and Sunflower Seeds were created just for the nutritional needs of the modern Norn.
The C1 Sunflower and Sunflower Seeds were created just for the nutritional needs of the modern Norn.
Add more C1 Tomato Plants to your world
Add more C1 Tomato Plants to your world
The C1 to DS Toolbar provides applets from Creatures 1. Reinject this agents if it breaks.
The C1 to DS Toolbar provides applets from Creatures 1. Reinject this agents if it breaks.
You can add the insidious cave flies to C1 to DS!
You can add the insidious cave flies to C1 to DS!
Breed Slot - Geat: 'k' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child] - FEMALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'y' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old] - FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old] Breed Slot - Geat: 'o' --Complete-- - FEMALE: [Child] - MALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'n' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child] - FEMALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'p' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child] - FEMALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'm' --Complete-- - MALE: [Child] - FEMALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'r' --Complete-- - FEMALE: [Child] - MALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Geat: 'l' --Complete-- - FEMALE: [Child] - MALE: [Child] --PARTIAL-- - MALE: [Adolescent, Adult] - FEMALE: [Adolescent, Adult] Breed Slot - Grendel: 'h' --Complete-- - FEMALE: [Child] - MALE: [Child]