Rooms and agents by MKX for Docking Station, is an agent pack with critter, food, toy, plant and seed agents
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Rooms and agents by MKX for Docking Station, is an agent pack with critter, food, toy, plant and seed agents
::----- Poodlebed-Readmefirst.txt -----:: Poodle Ettin Basket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liven up your world with this pink coloured bed for your Ettins, Poodles especially. It affects lots of chemicals, and will make the lives of your ettins alot easier going. Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place the agent file into the My Agents directory of DS, or the My Agents directory of C3 if you have it. Then go to the creator and look for it, then inject. Legal Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~ My work is my work, and I would appreciate it if you did not reproduce it in any manner, except when you have permission from me. However, I do encourage you to read my CAOS if you think it may help you. Enjoy your new agent! -Mkid112
A yummy piece of Cheddar cheese for your Norns and Ettins! Picture by Bruce Marrington and scripting by Daan Timmer
A marvelous toy for Ettins of all shapes, sizes, and ages. For information on how to set it up, use agent help.
A Ball Variant For Albia. Original Concept And Scripting By Daan Timmer, Graphics And Revision By Bruce Marrington
A pink basket for your poodles to play in.
A pink basket for your poodles to play in.