Zoran Norns.zip

Zoran Norns.zip thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Zoran Norns.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • ylukyun
Wiki Link Search "Zoran Norns" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 2 MB

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Zoran Norns by ylukyun for Docking Station, contains a new sprite breed, and 2 adult norn exports

Text File Composite

::----- Only install ONE cos file.txt -----::
!!!Important Reminder!!!

You only need to install one of these cos files. 
If you install more then one, the game might crash. 

Do not use the c3 cos file for DS or vice versa.


Regular = regular genome
CFE_upbreed = CFE genome
WaterEggs = Allows females to lay eggs under water (!Recommanded!)

::----- download link - water eggs agent.txt -----::
-Water Eggs Agent-

Here are some links to an agent that allows creature eggs to hatch under water.

IMPORTANT: This is not breed specific, if you inject this agent.
All creatures eggs will be able to hatch under water. 
Monitor your non amphibious  eggs carefully to avoid drowning.




::----- Zoran norns info.txt -----::
~~Zoran Norns~~

-Put the .c16 files into the Images folder.
-Put the .att files into the Bodydata folder.
-Put the .gen and .gno files into the Genetic folder.
-Put the .agents file into the My agents folder.
-Put the norns into the My creatures folder.

DS-Put the ONE .cos files of your choice into the Bootstrap/010DockingStation folder.
C3-Put the ONE .cos files of your choice into the Bootstrap/001World folder.

-This breed takes up Gait slot Z ;
-The Zoran norns are an amphibious breed;
-The Zoran norns under go "full body metamorphosis" to reach adulthood;
-The Zoran norns breed has its own egg sprite.

NOTE:  We recommand creating a back-up before replacing the .cos and egg.c16 files.

Breed and sprites by Spykkie


Special thanks to ylukyun for doing the genetic stuff!

    /  \      <*)))<               <*)))<
  /\    /\          <*)))<                  <*)))<
 /  \  /  \
/____\/____\    <*)))<      <*)))<

Agent Contents

Zoran - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Geat: 'z'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Creature Contents

Name: Mikau
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: Ruto
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Breed Images

Breed C3SZ preview
Breed C3SZ preview
Breed C3SZ preview
Breed C3SZ preview
5545 - Breed C3SZ.png
5545 - Breed C3SZ.png

Other Images

Creature - Ruto
Creature - Ruto
Creature - Mikau
Creature - Mikau
Breed C3SZ preview
Breed C3SZ preview