Bee Nicer!

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  • Creatures 2
  • GimmeCat
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Bee Nicer! by GimmeCat for Creatures 2, a pest agent

Text File Composite

::----- bee nicer readme.txt -----::
Bee Nicer!
By GimmeCat

Makes angry bees less fascinating, less painful, and more likely to be dropped when picked up.

Normally, if a norn angers a bee it will stim all nearby creatures with a high significance, causing what poljik2 refers to as the "Norn horde playing hot potato with a bee" phenomenon.

These slight script adjustments lower the significance of the stims, reduce the pain amount delivered (it stacks up enormously) and adds an additional stim to whoever picked it up, urging them to drop it. Because if you picked up a bee and it stung you, you'd immediately do the same!

Recommend you inject the official "Bees Update" cob before this one.

Agent Contents

Bee Nicer

Makes angry bees less fascinating, less painful, and more likely to be dropped when picked up.


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