Female Santa norns breed files and exports
See Male Santa Norns for male breed files
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Female Santa norns breed files and exports
See Male Santa Norns for male breed files
::----- Read me.txt -----:: Santa Project The accompanying files complete the Santa Project. These are the sprite and body files for the all four stages of the female santa norn. Also included is an .exp file of a newly hatched, breedable female Santa. Instructions: Place all the .spr files into the Images folder of your creatures folder. Place all .att files into the Body Data folder. Installation is now complete. All that remains it to import the new santa norn. Good luck and enjoy. Greg Poehlein *****
Breed Slot - Norn: '3' --Complete-- - FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent] --PARTIAL-- - FEMALE: [Senile]
Name: <Un Named> Genus: Norn Gender: Female