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  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Minisauron
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Minisauron-ask_nullentropy_capsule by Minisauron for Docking Station, is an agent and breed pack, with fruit, food, seed, critter, detritus, plant and weed agents and an adult male grendel export

Text File Composite

::----- liesmich.txt -----::
Arimeides Starter Kit: CCSF 2007 Edition

Das hier sind Arimeides GoMs (Grendels of Minimordor) für Docking Station.
Sie sind die am weitesten entwickelten GoMs (entsprechen version4)! 
Sie zeigen einen Sexualdimorphismus und reagieren auf eine gewisse Substanz namens Melhite auf ähnliche Weise wie die Bewohner des 
"Dune" Universums auf die "Spice Melange". Sie verfügen außerdem über alternative Wege sich Nährstoffe zu beschaffen. 
Sagt man "ja" zu einem Arimeides, verlängert man damit dessen Lebensspanne. Wenn man "nein" sagt, beendet man dessen Leben auf der
Stelle! Das Verabreichen von preMelhite wiederum kann ihn unsterblich machen.
Bevor Arimeides GoMs den Warp durch ein Portal betreten, brauchen sie eine Dosis Melhite (z.B. durch erwähntes "ja"-Sagen)!!



- ArimeidesManifesto.pdf Datei
Was ist es?: Informationsmaterial
Was macht man damit?: einfach lesen... (wenn man denn will)

- readme.txt
Was ist es?: englischsprachige Readme-Datei
Was macht man damit?: nichts (es sei den, man versteht englisch besser als deutsch)...

- diese liesmich.txt
Was ist es?: nur die übliche Kurzinfo für den ersten Blick ins Kit oder wenn man keinen Adobe Acrobat Reader haben sollte
Was macht man damit?: einfach lesen... (wenn man denn will)

- ArimeidesGoMEggs.agents
Was ist es?: ermöglicht es Muco (dem Eierleger) Arimeides Eier zu produzieren
Was macht man damit?: nach "...\Docking Station\My Agents" kopieren; dann mittels Muco Eier Arimeides produzieren 

- fünf *.ds.creature Dateien
Was ist es?: ein paar erwachsene Exemplare (siehe unten)
Was macht man damit?: nach "...\Docking Station\My Creatures" kopieren; dann mit dem Creature selector importieren

- ArimeidesGoMgoodies.agents
Was ist es?: damit kann man die Docking Station den Arimeides schön gemütlich herrichten... Dabei ist der Code für den enthaltenen Agenten Corpsecleaner 
	freundlicherweise von  Balor (dem Erfinder und des Eggonizers) zur Verfügung gestellt! 
	Am besten mal auf seiner Website
	nach weiteren tollen Sachen schauen!! 

::----- readme.txt -----::
Arimeides Starter Kit: CCSF 2007 Edition

These are Arimeides GoMs (Grendels of Minimordor) for Docking Station. 
They are the most advanced breed of GoMs (the equivalent of version4)!
Arimeides are sexually dimorphic and react to a certain substance called Melhite in a similar way like the inhabitants of the Dune Universe to the 
Spice Melange. They also have some alternative ways to acquire nutrients. 
By saying "yes" to an Arimeides it's lifespan will increase. By saying "no" it will be killed! By administering preMelhite it can be rendered immortal...
Before Arimeides GoMs enter a portal to the warp, they need a dose of Melhite (e.g. by saying "yes" to them)!!


Contents of the kit:

- ArimeidesManifesto.pdf: 
What is it for?: some information
What to with it?: just read it... (if you want to)

- this very readme.txt
What is it for?: just the mandatory short info for your first glimpse at the kit or if you do not posess Adobe Acrobat Reader
What to with it?: just read it... (if you want to)

- liesmich.txt
What is it for?: some short information in german
What to with it?: nothing (unless you understand german better than english)...

- ArimeidesGoMEggs.agents
What is it for?: makes it possible for Muco (the egglayer) to produce Arimeides GoMs
What to with it?: copy it to "...\Docking Station\My Agents"; then you can let Muco lay some Arimeides eggs

- five *.ds.creature files
What is it for?: some adult creature specimens (see below)
What to with it?: copy them to "...\Docking Station\My Creatures"; then import them into a world via the Creature selector

- ArimeidesGoMgoodies.agents
What is it for?: some stuff to make your world cozy for your Arimeides...  The code for the included agent Corpsecleaner has been kindly provided by Balor 
	(maker of e.g. the Eggonizer)! 
	Look for some other shiny stuff on his website!!  
What to with it?: copy it to "...\Docking Station\My Agents"; then inject the contained agents into a world via the Agent Injector
	Note: Inject Tendril, Fungi ,and Piranhas first before you use the Thing of Power!

Agent Contents

A.S.K. CCSF07: Corpsecleaner

Will remove dead bodys whether the camera has passed over them or not. Extremely useful for Wolfing/Feral Runs!! Kindly provided by Balor (maker of e.g. the Eggonizer)!

A.S.K. CCSF07: Count Gate

Count Gates from the Ship to experiment with...

A.S.K. CCSF07: Delay Gate

Delay Gates from the Ship to experiment with...

A.S.K. CCSF07: Fungi

Required for the Thing of Power


A.S.K. CCSF07: Kobold

Enhanced Kobolds from the Grendel jungle will invade the Capillata... NOTE: In docked worlds the enhancements will be lost.


A.S.K. CCSF07: Piranha

Required for the Thing of Power! NOTE: In docked worlds the ability to produce preMelhite will be lost.


A.S.K. CCSF07: Purbana

The Purbana from the Grendel Jungle takes root at the Capillata...


A.S.K. CCSF07: Radiomaschines

Radiomaschines from the Ship to experiment with...

A.S.K. CCSF07: Switch

A Switch from the Ship to experiment with...

A.S.K. CCSF07: Tendril

Required for the Thing of Power!


A.S.K. CCSF07: Thing of Power

Inject Tendril, Fungi, and Piranhas first before you use the Thing of Power. WARNING: Can be harmful to Non-Arimeides and even to Arimeides themselves (males or if used under water)!


Arimeides GoM - Egg Agent

Creature Contents

Name: Snaga Bodb
Genus: Grendel
Gender: Male