The Proto Ron Norns are a norn breed for Creatures 1, using the 'full.spr' file included with Creatures as a base. Unlike the Psychedelic Ron Norns, the Proto Ron Norns have had their palette corrected. They occupy norn breed slot 6.
Created from the loose sprite "full.spr" which was thought corrupt and unusable.
To correct the colouring in the SPR file, reversing the palette order was used.
The original sprite was the Male Adult. Sprites for younger ages were created by downsizing. Female sprites are the same as the male.
This particular breed has an unusual gait due to the shape of the leg. Ron norns too suffer from this, but their ATTs were adjusted by CL to ignore the issue. (The upper leg does not correctly connect with the lower leg in Ron norns).
- Bedalton for restoration of the breed
- NeoDement for figuring out the color palette
- Uranium Powered for the inversion suggestion
- EemFoo for bothering people to try to fix it in the first place.