Better Albia V 1.5

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Original File Better Albia
  • Creatures 2
  • GimmeCat
Wiki Link
File Size: 214 KB

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The default world, only... better! You found me..

This project attempts to fix most of the major complaints and bugs that exist in the original world. Its main component is a Room Editor template, which requires the Room Editor application to install. (Download links and install instructions can be found inside this archive.)

The reason I've delivered this as an RE template as opposed to a world.sfc file is that with the template, you can update your existing worlds without having to start over - even when a new BA version comes along!

Some of the biggest fixes include:

  • NEW to 1.5: Wallbonk fix! Finally, norns look ahead for walls!
  • NEW to 1.5: World Wrap fix. Corrects directional issues at the desert
  • NEW to 1.5: Volcano fix. Stops creatures getting stuck in the bottom of the volcano
  • Smooths steep walking surfaces that babies/crawlers struggle with
  • Prevents rooms being incorrectly visible through some solid floors
  • Widens narrow elevator shafts that caused enormous pain to lift riders
  • Fences-in platform edges that allowed creatures to fall great heights and become injured

(A full list of edits is included in the zip.)

If you'd just like the Wallbonk and World Wrap fixes, plus a few extra things, you can grab BA - Extras here. Otherwise, all available fixes are packaged in this download.

Please feel free to leave any questions, suggestions, or bug reports in the comments below. Thanks and enjoy!

Update December 2020: Wallbonk fix has been tweaked and a small bug resolved.

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
Better Albia v1.5
By GimmeCat

Check out fixlist.txt for a full list of fixes and edits this template provides.
Check out credits.txt for credits & thank-yous.


How to use:
(Updating is easy -- You can do this on existing Better Albia worlds, too!)

1. Download and install the Room Editor. You can find it here:*/
or if that link doesn't work:

2. Register the Room Editor with the following credentials:

2. Take the "RoomData2.c2r" file from this zip and place it in your "user\My Documents\Creatures\Creatures 2" directory. Alternatively, place it anywhere you can find later. The exact location doesn't matter.

3. Load up your C2 game, then load up the Room Editor. In Room Editor, go to "File -> Open" and select the "RoomData2.c2r" file. You do remember where you put it, don't you? ;)

4. Now go to "File -> Upload to Creatures 2" (make sure you do UPLOAD, not DOWNLOAD!) to install the new world data. Voila! Your world has been updated.

Note: If you start a new world, you'll have to repeat steps 2-4 above.


Please note: Other COBs that fix room issues, create bridges, or open up previously inaccessible areas, are NOT guaranteed to be compatible with BA straight out of the box. With this in mind, I've developed a set of compatibility patches for the most commonly used COBs. You can find it in this archive: it's called BA - Fixes.

The order you must install goes as follows: Better Albia (via the Room Editor), then the third-party COB, and finally the required patch from BA - Fixes.

There's also a BA - Extras which contains some handy 'quality of life' updates that aren't essential, but highly recommended you at least check them out. This COB is also uploaded seperately on CreaturesCaves because it does not require BA to be used.

Any questions or suggestions, please go to:


::----- fixlist.txt -----::

Stopped objects falling through Ettin area floors at the very bottom of the world

Smoothed Volcano airlock floor to prevent trapping

Smoothed undersea airlock floors to prevent trapping (thanks go to Mr NStuff)

Fixed Sub Bay floor to stop creatures falling out of the sub and drowning on disembark (Thanks go to Mr NStuff)

Stopped dropped objects falling through the volcano peak and rope bridge floors

Smoothed sharp angle in desert floor that traps baby creatures and toys

Fixed fishing pier room being visible from the Hatchery Sub Bay

Added new room and floors to main Hatchery elevator shaft to widen it, reducing painful rides (also stops cactus seeds falling through)

Prevented access to the pond adjacent to Hatchery (slap-happy creatures often killed their peers by punching them through this room border and drowning them)

Smoothed floor at base of elevator shaft above the Control Room

Widened elevator shaft above the Control Room, reducing painful rides

Smoothed various floors along rope bridge and Season Tree areas

Widened the floor inside the 'germy glass terrarium orb' room (or whatever it's called) as it was a little too short

Prevented access to the pond above the Music Room so that creatures can't fall in and drown

Plugged the gap in the floor in the underground area under the Season Tree

Widened the painfully narrow elevator shaft under the Season Tree

Sanitized room linkage between #123 and #14 (Hatchery Sub Bay)

Sanitized room linkage between #61 and #66, #61 and #250, #65 and #60, #35 and #51, #54 and #53 (all treehouse edges with graphical fences indicating safety) to prevent creatures falling off these edges.

Sanitized room linkage between #38 and #41 to prevent creatures falling off this edge, as it appears to be the only edge in this area properly blocked by fence. All other edges are open.

::----- credits.txt -----::
Many thanks to Yme for always being eager to test my stuff! You're a Godsend! ;)

Thanks also to Skerit for additional testing and general badassery, and for making Albian Command which is amazing and you should all totally go grab it right now:

Major props and credit go to Elegnaim, whose original work on a wraparound fix inspired me to take a crack at it myself. We had similar ideas for implementation but ended up with two wildly different versions of fix. Theirs is here:
 But do note, using it will break much of 'Stop Wallbonking!'s functionality.

Thank you to anyone who has ever helped me with questions or issues that my poor memory may be drawing a blank on. Rest assured that your help was immensely valuable and appreciated. <3

Helen & NornGOD's "Bridge and Barrier pack"

JayD's "Ocean Bridges 1.1"

Labyrinth's "Horn to Volcano" (the link labelled "VolkWalk")

JayD's "Albian Updates 1.1"

JayD's "Plato Project v3.0"

Agent Contents

BA - Blue Bridge Removal Fix

The blue ocean bridge from Bridge & Barriers pack is not recommended. After removing it, there will be a wall left over in the middle of the ocean. Inject this to fix the problem.

BA - Canopy Bridge Fix

For use ONLY after injecting the Canopy bridge from the Bridge & Barriers pack.

BA - Cliff Edge Remover

Removes all invisible 'cliff edge' objects in the world. Creatures tend to fixate on them to an unhealthy degree. Looking at cliff edges delivers punishment and fear, which can be extremely confusing, and also occasionally gets them stuck in a 'teetering' animation. Warning: There is no 'undo' for this action!

BA - Frog Pond Toggle

Inject this to prevent creatures and objects from falling off the wooden pier at the frog pond. Note: Doing so will prevent Frog Norns from being able to hop out of the pond. Remove to undo this change.

BA - Horn To Volcano Doorway Fix

Fixes room and floor positions. First inject the original Horn to Volcano COB, then inject this fix over the top of it. If removing, use this fix's remover script, not the original.

BA - Ocean Bridges Fix

Small fix to room boundaries. For use ONLY after injecting Ocean Bridges v1.1

BA - Out of Bounds Fix

Also known as the 'Volcano fix' or the 'God Object fix'. If you find creatures getting stuck by the right wall of the lower volcano, inject this to resolve the problem.

BA - Plato Fix

Ba and Plato do not play nicely together at all. This is an essential fix. The correct order of injections is: BA, Plato 1, 2, and then this.

BA - Stop Wallbonking!

Adds obstable awareness checks to travelling scripts. Not foolproof, but should stop them repeatedly throwing themselves against walls when wandering without a target. Modifies creature scripts {4 0 0 21/26/27/42/43}, does not conflict with Albian Updates. Best used in conjunction with Wrap Fix!

BA - Stop Wallbonking! Remover

But... why? (This will restore default scripts {4 0 0 21/26/27/42/43}

BA - Volcano Bridge Fix

The original bridge is completely solid and creatures cannot look up or down from it. This makes it act more like all the other bridges, allowing very small items to drop through the cracks, and also allowing vision above and below the bridge.

BA - World Wrap Fix

Corrects wrong-way target seeking at the west of the Desert, Cellar, and Ettin Temple areas. Modifies scripts {0 0 0 17/18/19/29} and {4 0 0 17/18/19/20/22/23/28/29/39}. If using Albian Updates or Drop Update, inject those FIRST and then this AFTER to prevent overwriting. 'Stop Wallbonking!' needs this or collision detection will not work in all cases.

BA - World Wrap Fix Remover

This will reinstall default scripts {0 0 0 17/18/19/29} and {4 0 0 17/18/19/20/22/23/28/29}

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