Treehugger Norn Pack (EXE)

Treehugger Norn Pack (EXE) thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Treehugger Norn Pack.exe
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • Gameware
Wiki Link
File Size: 4.74 MB


Full repack without the stray grendel and ettin ATTs is at Treehugger Norn.

Agent Contents

Cuddly Tree

The world will suddenly seem a much nicer, friendlier place for any Norn activating one of the Shee's special Cuddly Trees.


Cuddly Tree

The world will suddenly seem a much nicer, friendlier place for any Norn activating one of the Shee's special Cuddly Trees.


Panatreea Potion

Chock-full of Vitamin C and Prostaglandin, a swig or two of the Panatreea Potion will give the immune system of a fragile Norn a good boost!


Panatreea Potion

Chock-full of Vitamin C and Prostaglandin, a swig or two of the Panatreea Potion will give the immune system of a fragile Norn a good boost!


Popping Pappus

A flower to brighten up your starship. And maybe give your Norns hayfever...


Popping Pappus

A flower to brighten up your starship. And maybe give your Norns hayfever...


Quirky Cookie Machine

Create your own cool Shee cookies with this nifty (but somewhat quirky) cookie machine.


Quirky Cookie Machine

Create your own cool Shee cookies with this nifty (but somewhat quirky) cookie machine.


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within your ship. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Random Teleporter

This powerful pyramid is able to transport your creature to anywhere within the current area. 'Anywhere' can be a dangerous concept though, watch out for appearances above large bodies of water!


Treehugger Norn - Egg Agent

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'h'
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent, Adult, Old]

Other Images

Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Quirky Cookie Machine
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Panatreea Potion
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Random Teleporter
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree
Agent Preview - Cuddly Tree