All CA Breeds (Dement).zip

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Original File All CA Breeds (Dement).zip
  • Creatures 3
  • NeoDement
Wiki Link Search "All CA Breeds (Dement)" on
File Size: 22.77 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


All CA Breeds (Dement) by NeoDement for Creatures 3, contains a new sprite breed

Text File Composite

::----- Readme(Important for once).txt -----::
|                                                                 |
|    CCCCCCCCCC AAAAAAAAA  22222222   DDDDDDD    SSSSSSS          |
|    C          A       A          2  D      D  S                 |
|    C          AAAAAAAAA   2222222   D       D  SSSSSSS          |
|    C          A       A  2          D      D          S         |
|    CCCCCCCCCC A       A  222222222  DDDDDDD    SSSSSSS          |
|                        |BETA BREEDS|                            |

Right, very simple indeed. Put the .exe into your Docking Station
directory. Open it. Say yes to whatever it asks to replace. Open
the game. Inject the bugfix in the agent injector, then hatch away!

These are much better than other conversions of the Creatures 
Adventures breeds as they still retain hair and ears as seperate
body parts.

(C) DementChild 2005 X    X
