A Virtual Pet for your Virtual Life! The tamagotchi will reduce anger, loneliness and boredom in norns and grendels alike.
A Virtual Pet for your Virtual Life! The tamagotchi will reduce anger, loneliness and boredom in norns and grendels alike.
::----- tama.txt -----:: Tamagochi For Norns! Ver 1.0 By Parr Hesia Virtual Life for Virtual Life! Tamagochi for Norns is a virtual pet. Playing with it will help reduce anger, lonelyness and boredom (in Norns, Grendels or perhaps yourself!) Tamagochi can really help out lonely Norns on their own, or angry Grendels. Just like the real thing, it seems to be somewhat addictive! contains: Tama.txt - This file Tama.spr - put in creatures/images directory Tama.cob - Tamagochi for Norns Notama.cob - Tamagochi Be Gone (remover) cute.wav - put in creatures/sounds directory Enjoy! Parr Hesia *****