Tea Time Plants

Tea Time Plants thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File Tea Time Plants.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • Docking Station
  • TwilightCat
  • Flea
Wiki Link https://creatures.wiki/Tea_Time_Plants
File Size: 70 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


Tea Time Plants by TwilightCat and Flea for Docking Station, is an agent pack with plant, seed, food and fruit agents

Text File Composite

::----- Read-me.txt -----::
Well one time the Strange and Slightly Demented Shee was lounging in her garden.
Biff, her loyal grendel helper, was bringing out some tea for them to enjoy when 
he tripped and spilled hot tea everywhere! This happened way too often for the Shee's
taste so she decided to find a way to put an end to spilt tea and scalded scales.
She got out her handy dandy Splice-O-Matic and pondered just how to do this...
"Well..." She thought, "I always drink my tea in the garden, so why not make a plant
grow the tea for me!"
Thus she threw in a sturdy plant and a teacup full of Bumba berry tea, her favorite,
things went slosh, crackle, BAM! and the splice-o-matic spit out a seed. She put this
in a pot, added some super growth formula, and watched her Teacup Plant grow.
Then she remembered that she liked her tea with cream and sugar... so...
instead of just bringing it with her every time she decided to make plants for them too.
She finally sat down to enjoy her tea... and realised she had nothing to eat with her tea...
Draggin out the splice-o-matic once more she put in some tasty tea biscuits, and went in search
of a sutible plant for it. While she was off in the garden Biff (who was feeling left out of
the creating process this time) tossed in his favorite cookie and a flower that was nearby.
The Shee came back with her plant, threw it in, and hit the button.
Thus, she and Biff had some yummy things to eat while drinking their tea.

Note: you probably don't want to stick these in the containment chamber, c3 lifts, 
or the inventory (for long periods of time) as the flowers might get stuck.

Caos by TwilightCat
Images by Bug
Ideas both

::----- twilightagents-copyright_de.txt -----::
***TwilightCat's Agents***

made by TwilightCat/Twilight
Hosted @ Creatures Unlimited

Der vorliegende Agent (oder Agent Pack) unterlieg dem Copyright von TwilightCat
und darf ohne Rückfrage bei TwilightCat nicht auf anderen Seiten gehostet und zum Download angeboten werden.

Juni 2004
Mairenn/Creatures Unlimited
Creatures Unlimited & Creatures Community Centre
(Kathira, Mairenn, Phil)

Agent Contents

Tea Time - Biscuit Bush

A potted plant on which grows tasty biscuits.


Tea Time - Biscuit Bush DS

A potted plant on which grows tasty biscuits.


Tea Time - Creamer Vines

Cream filled fruit grow on these climbing vines.


Tea Time - Creamer Vines DS

Cream filled fruit grow on these climbing vines.


Tea Time - Sugar Cactus

A spikey potted cactus with sugary seeds.


Tea Time - Sugar Cactus DS

A spikey potted cactus with sugary seeds.


Tea Time - Teacup Plant

Tea is the favorite drink of the Shee, so it just made sense to make it grow on plants.


Tea Time - Teacup Plant DS

Tea is the favorite drink of the Shee, so it just made sense to make it grow on plants.


Other Images

Agent Preview - Tea Time - Teacup Plant DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Teacup Plant DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Biscuit Bush DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Biscuit Bush DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Biscuit Bush DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Biscuit Bush DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Creamer Vines DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Creamer Vines DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Creamer Vines DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Creamer Vines DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Sugar Cactus DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Sugar Cactus DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Sugar Cactus
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Sugar Cactus
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Teacup Plant DS
Agent Preview - Tea Time - Teacup Plant DS