Frog Norns V3

Frog Norns V3 thumbnail image
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Original File
  • Creatures 2
  • Alex
Wiki Link
File Size: 3.43 MB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


  • All body data replaced with Hebe Norn body data (except for the tails, which use brand new body data to match their new sprites). This should eliminate all articulation problems and ensure that they crossbreed well.
  • New tail base sprite, since the original was literally just copied from the Emerald Norns.
  • Cleaned up official sprites.
  • Sprite sets for baby, child, aged, and senior life stages, with brand new baby and child sprites.
  • Completely new color scheme for females based on the red-eyed tree frog, to give them a full-body difference in appearance to the males.

Text File Composite

::----- readme.txt -----::
* Frog Norn V3 *
Improved Frog Norns originally based on Nornenmeister's V2 Frog Norns, although to be honest I've overhauled so much here I'm not sure any of his work is actually still present.

- All body data replaced with Hebe Norn body data (except for the tails, which use brand new body data to match their new sprites). This should eliminate all articulation problems and ensure that they crossbreed well.
- New tail base sprite, since the original was literally just copied from the Emerald Norns.
- Cleaned up official sprites to eliminate excessive black haloing and weird repeating pixels.
- Sprite sets for baby, child, aged, and senior life stages. The baby and child sprites are brand new, not copied from Nornenmeister, and should be a little smoother than his.
- Completely new color scheme for females based on the red-eyed tree frog, to give them a full-body difference in appearance versus the males.

1. Place the files provided in the sprites and atts folders in their respective subfolders of the Creatures 2 install directory.
2. Optionally, make a backup of the frog.gen found in /genetics and replace it with the provided frog.gen file. The version I've provided is the same as the one that comes with the Albian Years version of the game, except that I've changed the green pigments so they're neutral instead of maxed out. If you use the official frog.gen, your Frog Norns will be brighter green than the ones shown in the picture.
3. This pack does not provide a way to actually obtain the Frog Norns. I recommend using Don's Lasting Frog Norns update, which adds Frog Norn eggs to the incubator and prevents transformed Frog Norns from turning back into frogs. You can download this update at Alternatively, you can use the official genetics kit to inject a frog norn egg into the world.

Norns of the Round Table

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: 'l'
	- MALE: [Child, Youth, Old, Senile]
	- FEMALE: [Child, Youth, Old, Senile]

Other Images

Frog Norn V3 - C2NL
Frog Norn V3 - C2NL