Offline Warp Portals

Offline Warp Portals thumbnail image
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Original File Offline Warp
  • Docking Station
  • Risen Angel
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File Size: 585 KB

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These warp portals will let your creatures experience the thrill of the Warp while keeping them on your ship. No online necessary.

Text File Composite

::----- Offline Warp Portals Readme.txt -----::

In appearance, these warp portals are exactly the same as the ones produced by the portal dispensor in the DS Workshop. They even make the same noises. 

Functionally, however, these portals act much like doors do. If there's two open portals in the world, a creature can push one to warp to the other. What separates them from the other portal agents out there is that these ones actually provide the proper warp stim - when used, it's exactly like using the actual warp for a creature. 

When first injected, you'll get two closed portals placed into your inventory (future injections will give you one portal each). Place the portals where you want them, and click on them to open them up. You can close them again to move them around. Creatures can only use the portals when there's a blue swirl within them. 

Swimming and flying creatures can use these portals without a problem, unlike with the default warp portals.

There is a known bug with this agent - if you have two open portals and a closed portal in the same world, you will occasionally see a creature get warped to the closed portal. I tried to fix this beforehand, but could not figure out what was causing it. As it's fairly uncommon, however, I decided that it wasn't too major. If I ever figure out the actual reason, I'll release a fixed version. 

Installation: Put the .agents folder into your "Docking Station/My Agents" folder, and you should be able to inject the Offline Warp Portals with the Agent Injector.
This is a DS-only agent. 

I would prefer it if you did not host this agent on your own site unless the Realm goes down and you cannot contact me. 

Questions? Comments? E-mail *****

Agent Contents

Offline Portals

These warp portals will let your creatures experience the thrill of the Warp while keeping them on your ship. No online necessary.

Other Images

Agent Preview - Offline Portals
Agent Preview - Offline Portals