Dwarf Norns.zip

Dwarf Norns.zip thumbnail image
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Original File Dwarf Norns.zip
  • Creatures 1
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File Size: 239 KB

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Dwarf Norns for Creatures 1, contains a new sprite breed, and 2 baby norn exports

Text File Composite

::----- DNREADME.txt -----::
*Dwarf Norns CREATURES (C)*

Dwarf Norns are Norns that are naturally small. They are also 
good breeders. Their children look oddly funny when they mate 
with other norns!

 * Body data files
 * Body image files
 * Dwarf norn gene file
 * Two export files: one male, one female.

Simply extract this WinZip archive into the Creatures 
folder. Then all the files will go where are supposed to be.
Then start Creatures and import the dwarfmale and dwarffemale
export files.

Made by Markham Carroll. Please visit Creatures etc. at: 

*  e-mail: *****@angelfire.com  *

::----- The Dwarf Norn Story.txt -----::
The Dwarf Norn Story: Thousands of years ago, when the Shee were starting their trek from Albia in search for a new home, Irvwoid, a Shee scentist, miscalculated his hyperspace jump and crashed on one of Albias moons. Irvwoid, like most of the Shee scientists, liked to create new Norn breeds. His latest experiments were with a certain genome that supressed the Norn's natural growth hormones to keep it at a small size. Irvwoid was devestated to find that the cargo pod carring his supply of tea had been ruptured on the rocky moon. Preoccupied with collecting spilt tea-bags, Irvwiod failed to notice that one of his ships two terrarium pods had suffered severe damage. By the time he had rescued his tea, and the rescue team arrived, almost all his experimental species had escaped. He tried to re-capture them all, but it was no use:

    "Yes, it was a mistake to overlook something harder to re-gain than a few thousand scattered tea-bags. Although many of my Short Norns have been re-captured, I will have to leave the rest on this world. I guess I am glad that after two months of waiting for my ship to heal I will finally be leaving this moon, but I am troubled by the fact that I will be leaving many Short Norns behind to fend for themselves. May they enjoy whatever tea I was unable to find." - From the journal of Duntenqire Irvwoid

Not long after Irvwoid left, he changed the breed name from Short Norn to Dwarf Norn, for "Short Norn was rather dull." Pretty soon generations had passed, and the abandoned Norn's genetics stabalized, no longer with random outbursts otf height differences. They had definately become the Dwarf Norns.

Found at http://nornland.chani3.com/downloads.php?dir=2

Breed Contents

Breed Slot - Norn: '8'
	- FEMALE: [Child, Adolescent]
	- MALE: [Child, Adolescent, Senile]
	- FEMALE: [Senile]

Creature Contents

Name: <Un Named>
Genus: Norn
Gender: Male


Name: <Un Named>
Genus: Norn
Gender: Female

Breed Images

Breed C1N8 preview
Breed C1N8 preview
Breed C1N8 preview
Breed C1N8 preview
9906 - Breed C1N8
9906 - Breed C1N8

Other Images

Breed C1N8 preview
Breed C1N8 preview