C2 Nut Plant.zip

C2 Nut Plant.zip thumbnail image
Fact Value
Original File C2 Nut Plant.zip
  • Creatures 3
  • aero
Wiki Link Search "C2 Nut Plant" on creatures.wiki
File Size: 8 KB

Archive has been repacked for EemFoo. Click to here


Good old nut plant from C2

Text File Composite

::----- Readme.txt -----::
This Creatures 3 object was created by Josh Jacobs (aero)
I created these files using Notepad.  I give credit to everyone
who helped in the creation in these files.

To install:
1. Unzip.
2. Put .S16 files in images folder.
3. Put agent files in "My Agents" folder.
4. Load Creatures 3
5. Go to your Creator find the object and then inject it.

WARNING!  I take some but little responsibility for what happens to your
world when using this.  And if you distribute this Cob to anyone please
credit me.

For any questions I will be happy to help: *****@aol.com
The Norn Request

Agent Contents

Nut Plant

Good old nut plant from C2


Other Images

S16 Preview - nut plant[2]
S16 Preview - nut plant[2]
S16 Preview - nut plant[2]
S16 Preview - nut plant[2]
S16 Preview - nut plant[9]
S16 Preview - nut plant[9]