Strange times today! I’m EemFoo from a mirror universe, today we’re celebrating the theme that won in MY universe. CHEESE. Even the secret Easter egg will have something cheesy (and not just a pun).

While we participate all over the world, I know many of the community are from the US, and to you: Happy Thanksgiving! Save me some Turkey!

Dealing with an issue with my ISP at the moment which is holding up the stream, so y’all may get CCSF 2022: Extended Edition. I miscalculated the number of submissions, so these last days will be a bit heavier in submissions! Hope you like reading and free downloads!

Submission #1-3: Cheese So much Cheese!

This is a three for one here, Mea being the cheeky individual she is, decided to help Mirror Universe Eemfoo too! Each download also comes with templates to make your own cheese versions! Very cool!

colorful cheeses in a row, with a wooden chest on the right

Download Cheese Plushies
Download Cheese Plushie template

Mea’s Description:
Cheese lovers! I hope you enjoy this toybox full of cheese wedge shaped plushies! So many types of cheese to choose from, from the classic pale swiss cheeses and orange cheddars, to the more exotic blue cheeses and wine soaked cheeses, (seriously, a very clumsy shee accidentally dropped a whole bunch of the wedges into an open wine vat.) to the really exotic green cheeses from the moon. The Green cheeses were collected just for this CCSF. The toybox itself is a smart vendor, but if you still end up with too many toys, then you can remove the extra toys by holding ctrl + shift and clicking on the toys you want to remove.

Colorful cheesse wedge plusies with a wooden chest

Download Cheese Wedge Plushie
Download Cheese Wedge Plushie Template

Mea’s Description:
Cheese lovers! I hope you enjoy this toybox full of cheese wedge shaped plushies! So many types of cheese to choose from, from the classic pale swiss cheeses and orange cheddars, to the more exotic blue cheeses and wine soaked cheeses, (seriously, a very clumsy shee accidentally dropped a whole bunch of the wedges into an open wine vat.) to the really exotic green cheeses from the moon. The Green cheeses were collected just for this CCSF. The toybox itself is a smart vendor, but if you still end up with too many toys, then you can remove the extra toys by holding ctrl + shift and clicking on the toys you want to remove.

Colorful vertical cheese wheel plushies around a wooden chest

Download Cheese Wheel Plushie
Download Cheese Wheel Plushie

Mea’s Description:
These were made as a joke, referencing the ‘cheese’ theme on the CCSF surveys
earlier this year. They are just simple plushies for your creatures to play with. Although I guess the silly saying ‘the moon is made of green cheese does let some of them sort of fit the space theme for this year’s CCSF. The toybox is a smart vendor, but if you still end up with too many toys, then you can remove the extra toys by holding ctrl + shift and clicking on the toys you want to remove.

Submission #4: Are the puns Eggrivating yet?

Day #1: An old world converted to new, the build number is 2328.
Day #2: Affectionately known as “Trash Pandas” these norns were originally created by Sentinal and abandoned, only to be restored by Verm and myself.
Day #3: This official breed had two jolly iterations, a year apart. the one you’re looking for was made in a year ending in 7.
Day #4: This C1 agent was my first creation. the doll of a famous Italian plumber. It can also be found as an easter egg in C12DS.
Day #5: In my mirror universe these themed Ettins for C3/DS would have been a perfect submission for today!