CCSF 2024 Intermission

Happy Holidays! Since eemfoo and freyla are currently busy with the holidays this page serves to represent the 23-25th of December. Fear not! I have some lovely things to tide you over!

First we have a submission from Malkin who recently did a survey of creatures development around the community, and now we have her results! found here It's actually quite interesting, the community has been around for nearly 30 years, and largely self-supporting, my question to all of you reading this, is what do we need as a community to make developing content easier? Let us all know on the discord!

In that vein, I'm also going to link the Community Creatures Development Standards document here. It's a lot to read, but contains important knowledge on how to make content as best we can!

We also have a submission from Mea called Watershrooms!

These waterloaded mushrooms have been in the works for a while, but after seeing the heatwave event in the CCSF Wolfling run, it spurred me to finally finish them up and submit them for the festival. These mushrooms count as potions and are full of water and nothing but water. However at the suggestion of Rising Angel, I did add a small Hotness drive reduction as well.
The seedbox will plant a mother plant to respawn the Watershrooms as they are depleted. Plant as many as you want for your creatures to enjoy. Mother plants can be removed by Ctrl + Shft + clicking on them. The rest of the watershrooms will remain until they are picked up or eaten.

Awesome! You can grab them here.

The Video

This will likely be filled in after the fact, unless eemfoo gets it before he leaves!

The Hunt

Day #1: This Legend dresses the part around Christmas time. He's the Link to your prize.
Day #2: This Grey Brick device was popular through the 90s and popular with Boys and girls. C2 Edition.
Day #3: This popular 90s franchise has you tossing these 151 times if you want them all.
Day #4: These Budget-Friendly norns are bright and colorful. Made for CCSF.
Day #5: These Norns love the beach and even brought a ball to play!
Day #6: This official norns would love to hug the christmas tree.
Day #7: This C2 breed by alien would certainly taste festively minty!

Intermission: Why not celebrate another holiday at Christmas with this Jewel of a breed?